


Someone please touch me in the night
A gentle touch

Someone please touch me in the night
So I won't feel alone

Someone please touch me in the night
All curled up in my corner

Someone please touch me in the night
And stay there beside me so that I can reach up to hold you

Someone please touch me in the night
And lay down beside me beneath the window

Someone please touch me in the night
And stay with me 'till morning

Someone please touch me in the night
I will not sleep, but will stay awake to feel your warmth, your strength, your love beside me

Someone please touch me in the night
And take me inside you to love me and make me feel loved and cherished

Someone please touch me in the night
And let me hold your hand until it is day
For the night is dark
And lonely
The floor is hard
The blanket old
The rabbit torn
The thumb not quite enough

Someone please touch me in the night
And tell me to get up from my corner and come with you, because you think I would make a wonderful little boy

And tell me to get up from my corner and come with you, because you think I would make a wonderful little boy.
Bobby was a wonderful little boy, and he still is bro!

You catch so beautifully the feeling of a kid who is trying to find safety in the little world he has around himself.

Much love,