Pornography - love it or loathe it ??!?

Visitor, I paralleled your story with my on variations. I was near NYC and went to th 42nd Street arcades with peepshows and booths. I was addicted to them. There were girls inside the booths that you could enjoy while the window was open. Other places had booths where girls would come inside with you. One place specialized in Trans women. Screw Magazine had unending ads for anything and everything sexual. It was a circus. I considered becoming an actor in the trade because I was so addicted to sex. But fortunately for me I did not.

I don’t have answers at this point. More things are surfacing now that make me realize I always wanted to be used especially by men. As for porn? Unfortunately I spend too much time and find that often I make myself the one being abused or pounded. And I still think about it with other men now.
If I nail it and find a clip that's a "home run" for me I save it so I can see it again later. Eventually, even these I end up deleting because I'm ashamed to keep them. Then a week or two later I'm back looking at porn again, and the cycle starts all over.
It is a hard cycle to break as i get in the same cycle. I might stop for a while then stress hits and it becomes that escape i turn to and then regret it and then get rid of things then all over again.