


Evil came
in the dim of a bright day
and took me away
to play the game

"tu es mignon"
a sweet little treasure
here for my pleasure

"soyez vaillant"
be a brave little boy and obey
do what I say

I was eager to play
I was never harmed
I was always charmed
cuddled and cajoled
I did what I was told

That was mostly Gerrard
the other three
meant nothing to me
but the fifth
stole a gift
took my soul
and left me un-whole

What the four did
was most forbid
we played the game
but just the same
I'm still fond
and feel a bond
to Three

no longer alive
for many many years
but there are nothing but tears
to remind me of him

I mean no harm
to any man
dead or alive
but this I can tell
I most fervently hope
Five is in hell
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