I'll Be Happy

I'll Be Happy


I'll Be Happy
(c)2006 Dewey2k
Take the time you need, my love
And do the things you must
Slay the demons of your past
And let them fall to dust

But only at my convenience
Shall you continue on your path
If your recovery bars my way
You will have earned my wrath

I'll help you and support you
Lead your recovery unrestricted
But not if I am inconvenienced
Not if my plans are conflicted

When it comes down to priorities
It should be obvious where you stand
You are free to do as you wish
As long as I've got nothing planned

So cry or weep or gnash your teeth
Whatever it is you do
As long as I'm not bothered
Then I'll be happy, too.
I just read the poem several times ... I see two possible interpretations that overlap. This is in many ways seems to be an internal conversation between one aspect of self that is the thinking, planning, understanding, conscious, watching but not active self. And then there is the active aspect of self that is the doer, the self that requires healing, requires breaking through the pain to a more permanent wellness even if the short term brings discomfort.

But then there is
Lead your recovery unrestricted
that leads me to believe there are outside voices being included, perhaps blended. Perhaps a therapist or friend or lover or something of the sort. Part of me would love to know what your thoughts were in writing, and part of me is having fun guessing.

Thank you for sharing!

Since this is a public forum, I won't go into the details. Suffice to say that I was writing about another person in my life and their attitude toward my recovery.
Ah, Dewey, you are an artiste with a hammer, for once again you have hit the nail exactly on its proverbial head. Bobby