hiding from life

hiding from life


Sometimes I think that I will wait until life's not looking
And then hide from it
It won't know where I went
I'll jump down a little hole and peer out at it, when I think it's safe
Then I won't have to deal with it
I could scurry out for food sometimes if I'm fast enough
And maybe carry some back to my hole to eat in the night when life's asleep
I do not want to deal with life
It's glaring eyes
It's harshness
It's day-to-day decisions
Who are you?
What are you?
Who did what to you?
When will you get your head on straight?
When will you be healed?
Guess what, life, what if I didn't give a shit, huh?
What if I didn't?
What if I just sat here in my hole and didn't care if I was gay or straight
Or if my daddy was a pervert
Or if my mommy might have known
What if I just pulled this big black hat down over my head and snuggled down in here where you couldn't see me, huh?
What would you do then, life, if you couldn't find me?
I can get along without you.
I can sleep all day and come out at night and sneak around while everyone else is sleeping.
I don't have to go to work
I don't have to be around people
I don't have to be mad and not know how to say it
Or be afraid of who I am
Or be afraid that everyone will think I'm shit and will look at me like he did
I don't have to do that
I'll just sit here in my hole
And maybe I'll just die here
Maybe I'll just do that
Sit here and die
And then I won't have to worry about finding out who I am
Dealing with who I am
Living with who I am
Being who I am
Because, what if he was right
What if all of them were right
What if I'm right
What if, when they tear the curtain down, I'm standing there naked for everyone to see?
Just leave me here in the hole for now
Pretend you can't see me
I couldn't take being seen
I'm afraid of being seen

What if there's a mirror, and......

Maybe I'll just do that
Sit here and die
And then I won't have to worry about finding out who I am.
But finding out who we are is the key to everything else. This truth cannot hurt us.

Much love,