Your Prayers Needed

Your Prayers Needed


12 months ago today I finally came clean with my wife regarding an affair I have had for the bteer part of the preceeding year. Today is a horrible day in our home. My wife and I are committed to working through the pain and healing ourselves as individuals and our family. Please pray for her in this time of pain!

Thanks for yur support.

Danny = Coming honest and working it through takes strong committment!! You have my prayers and support!!!

hey, my prayers are with ya, mate

I can barely type for all of the tears in my eyes. I have never been the recipient of such caring. You guys are truly a blessing to me. Next to my daughter, you are the greatest gift God has given me.

My wife is having second thoughts about her committment to me. I cannot blame her; I have been a real Sh&t to her and then I have an affair. No I never hit hr, but I distanced myself from her, I projected on her, well you get the picture.

She does not know if she has the energy or the love to wait for my recovery. She said that I have killed all of her emotions. It is only fitting that I run away the only person that did not want to abandon me!

Then there is my daughter. The thought of ripping apart her word kills me. The guilt and contempt I feel for me is all engulfing. I just want to sit in a carwash for days trying to get the filth off of me.

Thanks for letting me ramble.

I just want to sit in a carwash for days trying to get the filth off of me.
Splitting, you're not filthy. You're a good man. That's evident by how hard you're working to save your family. And what love for your daughter. Hear it again: You're a very good man. What was done to you doesn't change the amazing person you've become. Feel that. You can even use my phrase if you want. "You don't have to be bad." You can be the good person you really are.
