You will hate me for this. (TRIGGERS)

You will hate me for this. (TRIGGERS)
thank you everybody, I just thought that nobody would want me here after what I did, but im glad that people have excepted me so thankyou again. I have got to go now, my freind (the one who took me in and i now live with ) is bringing one of his other firends (i dont who he is) home (thats sounds complicated in my head) I will come back later to say hello and possibly rant and rave it depends how my day goes. does anyone else find there self sleeping alot? i have just got up and it 13:11 in the afternoon?!

See you all later and thanks again.

thankyou everyone, im glad that a few people dont hate me. Im sorry if im so negative, I just cant help it. i will come back later my house mate is bringing over a friennd of his, so Ive got to go meet him.

"And all that was lkeft was hope"

My story (Triggers)
just anted to say this quick cause im really panicking here, thanks to everyone who replyd to me it means a lot, Im not doing very good right now, because my friend has gone out and left his friend in the house with me, he seemed allreight at first,but after a while he kept dropping hints that he liked me, and when I walked past him when I fisrt met him he touched my leg. I dont know if this was acidental but im not happy about it. he keeps looking at me funny, and when my friend left, he said it was just me and him and he wonered what we could do to pass the time, so ive locked my self in my firends office where the computer is. he cant get in here, so ill wait for my friend to come back.

Talk to you later, hopefully.

just anted to say this quick cause im really panicking here, thanks to everyone who replyd to me it means a lot, Im not doing very good right now, because my friend has gone out and left his friend in the house with me, he seemed allreight at first,but after a while he kept dropping hints that he liked me, and when I walked past him when I fisrt met him he touched my leg. I dont know if this was acidental but im not happy about it. he keeps looking at me funny, and when my friend left, he said it was just me and him and he wonered what we could do to pass the time, so ive locked my self in my firends office where the computer is. he cant get in here, so ill wait for my friend to come back.

Talk to you later, hopefully.

sorry for the same posts i think i just broke my computer.
Cameron you may want to read my story. From 18-21 I was a male whore who sold himself to the more violent and sadistic and kinky side of "NORMAL MEN" It was a coping skill but it sure screwed up my mind. I was also a heroin addict.

See you really do belong with us. No judgements no accusations only brotherly support. Welcome to the brotherhood

You did what you had to do. I don't hate you. Why would I?

Please understand that, no matter what, it was rape if you said "no," even if money was exchanged. After all, the scumbag could've asked for the money back.

I feel so badly for you, my brother. You've found a great resource to help you. I hope you make as much use of it as you need to, and I can't wait to see what you contribute. Peace and love, my brother. Certainly, you deserve both.

Camron I dont know where my last post went. Into the ether I guess. I too sold myself. I was assaulted when I was 16-17 at military college and after some real shitty counselling wound up on the streets and in the parks of Ottawa Canada. I was a male whore catering to the more violent and kink side of so called normal men. I was also a heroin addict. I am 63 now and have been marrried to the same wonderful woman for 37 years yesterday. I am glad that you have found us and there is nothing at all to be ashamed of ok. You survived and you coped like we all did.
I thought my computer had stolen my stammer with all these repeated posts, but it must be the virus or whatever that's affected the major servers over the last few days ;)

Anyway, Cameron.
You have every right to be here, just as you have every right to start your recovery and regain some normality in your life.

What you've done in the past was done for many reasons, and driven by abuse and everything else that goes with it.
Some of us did things we can barely speak of even now, so you aren't alone.
It takes a bit of work and time to figure out what happened, and where we want to go from here, but we can do it.

Stick around, the support here is as good as it gets.

I thought my computer had stolen my stammer with all these repeated posts, but it must be the virus or whatever that's affected the major servers over the last few days ;)

Anyway, Cameron.
You have every right to be here, just as you have every right to start your recovery and regain some normality in your life.

What you've done in the past was done for many reasons, and driven by abuse and everything else that goes with it.
Some of us did things we can barely speak of even now, so you aren't alone.
It takes a bit of work and time to figure out what happened, and where we want to go from here, but we can do it.

Stick around, the support here is as good as it gets.

I thought my computer had stolen my stammer with all these repeated posts, but it must be the virus or whatever that's affected the major servers over the last few days ;)

Anyway, Cameron.
You have every right to be here, just as you have every right to start your recovery and regain some normality in your life.

What you've done in the past was done for many reasons, and driven by abuse and everything else that goes with it.
Some of us did things we can barely speak of even now, so you aren't alone.
It takes a bit of work and time to figure out what happened, and where we want to go from here, but we can do it.

Stick around, the support here is as good as it gets.

I thought my computer had stolen my stammer with all these repeated posts, but it must be the virus or whatever that's affected the major servers over the last few days ;)

Anyway, Cameron.
You have every right to be here, just as you have every right to start your recovery and regain some normality in your life.

What you've done in the past was done for many reasons, and driven by abuse and everything else that goes with it.
Some of us did things we can barely speak of even now, so you aren't alone.
It takes a bit of work and time to figure out what happened, and where we want to go from here, but we can do it.

Stick around, the support here is as good as it gets.


You did what you had to do to survive. Why would I hate you?

I hate the man who raped you, my friend. You did NOTHING to deserve it.

Know that you're in my thoughts, and I care about you. I believe you. And I love you with nothing wanted in return and no strongs attached.

Peace and love,


I don't want to alarm you, but have you taken a good look at your friend? You were raped at a party that he took you to. He left you with someone he brought into the house and then left the two of you alone.
It might be time to look for other digs. I realize that's easier to say than do, but check out some agencies where you could get shelter while you figure something else out.
I'm not trusting the place where you are.
I do believe your story and wish you the best but the father thing is coming out in me as I listen to your story. Please be aware of what may be going on.
One of your new brothers who's old enough to be a grandfather,
Camron: I don't hate you. How can I judge you for your mistakes when I have many of my own? I agree with Ivanhoe that you need to find a safer place to live. You are in danger of getting hurt by your roommate's friend! I wish I could help you in some way. Good luck. joseph7

Welcome here. I am, as always, sorry that you have need to be here, but I am glad that you found this site. I have been here just now a year, and it has litrally saved my life.

Sorry, but I don't hate you, and can't imagine I would. I have sympathy and empathy for you, and I hope that you will be able to find help to start feeling better about yourself, and realizing that the guilt is not yours. That is something that I still struggle with at some times, but it does get better. IT DOES GET BETTER. I promise you that. You do not know me, and I am sure a promise from me does not mean anything. But I do mean it.

Thankyou everyone, youre all really nice, its made ,me feel like a part of something, I think I will look for some where else to live Ivanhoe, thta guy who was there, he was not nice, he woludn't leave me alone, when my friend (I dont know if I can call him that now) came home, I came down stairs and st in the kitchen with him, and his friend made some lewd comments about me, and my house mate thought it was funny, I dont know if he realised what he meant by them, but I did, his friend has gone home now, (thankfully he didnt stay over night) but he asked me if he could talk to me alone, I said no but my friend asked me why I wouldnt and I had no choice to go with him, when we were on our own he tried to kiss me, I idnt want him to so i told him to leave me alone,but he wouldnt he just kept trying to touch me, I dont know what to do,should I tell my house mate what he did?
I dont think he knows I was raped at the party, (well I diddnt tell him anyway.) so maybe thats why he saw no harm in us being alone, i dont know im confused now, I feel sad.
sorry I just had to tell someone this, I couldnt keep it bottled up not like before, its made me feel a little better saying all this today.
thanks for listening anyone who does.