Yesterday I started the morning as usual online with my cup of coffee. Corresponded briefly with my friend michaelb.
Michael is diligently trying to land a new job interspersed with his trips to the library to keep up on all of us and our lives, though it has been a little difficult for him to post lately. We've had many new pups here lately and it has just been a little hard to read some of their sad tales so he's been avoiding the threads for fear of triggers. Do come back when you are ready Michaelb! Your friends miss you here.
Got to tease granpa CyberChild (Nathan) in chat last night. Kudos again Nathan!!! I'll be sending the cigars, ensure and depends ASAP!
Also, work has been... how do I say this? Ok lately, nothing spectacular but the stress has been at a bearable level.
Some of you remember me mentioning that I had a 'Pre-Matrix: Reloaded' party last week. I got to meet an idol of mine who is a gay wushuist. (Wushu in short is a combo of ALL the Chinese martial arts, rolled into one! Anyhow, yesterday he sent me a DVD in the mail of a major tournament from last year. My heart just sang. To notice me in such a way REALLY made my day.
I looked into a group therapy setting also. It is likely that I'll not be joining it because it is more of a group support type thing and the therapist thinks that I know myself well enough and would likely become to frustrated in that environment. He suggests (and will talk to my individuals therapist) about me instead going to a more 'focused' group therapy setting (not really 'support' oriented, more actual therapy inclusive of my peers). Imagine I know myself pretty well
Another +, I went to the GYM yesterday and actually ran for almost 50 minutes... whoo hoo!!!
I don't want to end on a down note in anyway but I have to say as good as things have been going, I get that 'hair-standing-on-the-back-of-my-neck' feeling that it's been too good lately. But I shall do as my mentor Victor does and 'take it if it comes' and deal with it then. Without letting it get me down... much!
Positive Michael. You can keep some 'sadness' but if you look and you allow, it can be more positive than sad.
Michael is diligently trying to land a new job interspersed with his trips to the library to keep up on all of us and our lives, though it has been a little difficult for him to post lately. We've had many new pups here lately and it has just been a little hard to read some of their sad tales so he's been avoiding the threads for fear of triggers. Do come back when you are ready Michaelb! Your friends miss you here.
Got to tease granpa CyberChild (Nathan) in chat last night. Kudos again Nathan!!! I'll be sending the cigars, ensure and depends ASAP!
Also, work has been... how do I say this? Ok lately, nothing spectacular but the stress has been at a bearable level.
Some of you remember me mentioning that I had a 'Pre-Matrix: Reloaded' party last week. I got to meet an idol of mine who is a gay wushuist. (Wushu in short is a combo of ALL the Chinese martial arts, rolled into one! Anyhow, yesterday he sent me a DVD in the mail of a major tournament from last year. My heart just sang. To notice me in such a way REALLY made my day.
I looked into a group therapy setting also. It is likely that I'll not be joining it because it is more of a group support type thing and the therapist thinks that I know myself well enough and would likely become to frustrated in that environment. He suggests (and will talk to my individuals therapist) about me instead going to a more 'focused' group therapy setting (not really 'support' oriented, more actual therapy inclusive of my peers). Imagine I know myself pretty well
Another +, I went to the GYM yesterday and actually ran for almost 50 minutes... whoo hoo!!!
I don't want to end on a down note in anyway but I have to say as good as things have been going, I get that 'hair-standing-on-the-back-of-my-neck' feeling that it's been too good lately. But I shall do as my mentor Victor does and 'take it if it comes' and deal with it then. Without letting it get me down... much!
Positive Michael. You can keep some 'sadness' but if you look and you allow, it can be more positive than sad.