


In the midst of everything going on in this world right now, and in the midst of some of the pain, one refreshing thing for me is Yanni. He is just releasing a book and a cd which I will have both here in a day or two.

I do have the book and it is very inspirational to me just to read about the things he has been through, how he has pulled him through and his outlook on life. Since my father just wanted to beat me and abuse me, it is nice to see how warm, compassionate, caring and educating Yanni's father and mother were.

I draw inspiration from him because the music I create is not the "norm" for society. It doesn't really have a ready made home but seeing what Yanni has done, has helped me to move forward with the music and begin to allow the world to hear it. So I get so much inspiration from Yanni as I learn more about life by how open he is about his life.

Of course not only did I buy his new book and CD but I will be going to his concert on Mar 7.. I can hardly wait... it will be the first time I experience his music live and in person.

His music whether you like new age stuff or not speaks a language all unto its own. It transports you to another dimension of the world and if you have never experienced Yanni, I would encourage you to at least listen to it... see how it affects you and where it takes you.

Ok,, Yanni commercial over... grin! smile!

I've been listening to the new Cd since I got it last night in my mail. Oh wow.... very different from some of his other stuff but so full of energy, oneness, unity and acceptance. It is a very powerful collection of music.

Sorry, can't help myself... I have just used his music in so many ways as I have healed. Often it is the background music as I write poetry and other written works.

Ok.... bet no one can tell I'm so darn excited about someone named Yanni... SMILE