work and school

work and school


i hafto work w brad for the
rest of the summr. then im
going back to school in
septembr so i can graduate.
so i cant be around here
much anymore but i can check
probly a couple times a
week. so talk to yous
latr and thx
u all realy helpd me alot

I hope you will continue to stop by when you can and certainly whenever you need to talk. You are always welcome here, and even if you can't stop in for a long time you will always be warmly welcomed back.

Much love,
peace trevor -

thanks for coming round - hope to see you

back if you need it
Things will be a little quiet around here while you're gone. :)

I would love to see you succeed in school, after going through all this.

Best of luck Trev.

I'm gonna miss reading your posts. It helps me to know that other people have similiar feelings as I do. I feel less alone and screwed up. Thanks.

As you know, this is a great place with great people. Come back when you can.



We're all going to miss you. We'll look forward to your visits when they occurr. Just remember that there are a bunch of us here who really care about you, no strings attached.

Lots of love,
