Words and Phrases I hate when talking about abuse!
Ok guys I want to list a few words/phrases that are used when talking about abuse that just bug the crap out of me and why.
Healing..why do I have to heal Im not the one that is/was sick in the abuse. My perp's were, why do I have to heal?
Process..please it wasnt a process when I was 6 and my cousin's forced me to the ground and pulled my pants down and did what they did to me.
Journey...this sounds like Im going to Disney Land or something. Not going through hell and back. Journey please this isnt a journey, it's me being draged down the road of something called life.
"I need to learn that the abuse doesnt define me"?
...how the f**k doesnt it define me? It happened to me when I was 6 (how does something that happens at that age NOT define who/what you are). Then again at 12 to 17. Same question? If what happened to me doesnt define who I am then what do I use to define it, it's all I've ever known?
"Dont let THEM win!"
...Win? hum...great another battle I have to be strong for. They won the second they pulled my pants down and raped me. They won that battle.
"By me being here, they have lost."
...please...how have they lost? Im the one here, I'm the one who cant make love to my wife because of the flashbacks, Im the one that is sopose to take a hand full of pills everyday just to get out of bed. I'm the one that has lost my childhood. How on earth is me being here me winning?
Well just a few thoughts. I mean dont get me wrong I understand why we say those things to eachother (or at least I think I do). They just really bug the crap out of me. You would think with us being over a 1000 strong just on this board we could come up with some better ways of describing what we are doing in our lives.
Thanks guys
Healing..why do I have to heal Im not the one that is/was sick in the abuse. My perp's were, why do I have to heal?
Process..please it wasnt a process when I was 6 and my cousin's forced me to the ground and pulled my pants down and did what they did to me.
Journey...this sounds like Im going to Disney Land or something. Not going through hell and back. Journey please this isnt a journey, it's me being draged down the road of something called life.
"I need to learn that the abuse doesnt define me"?
...how the f**k doesnt it define me? It happened to me when I was 6 (how does something that happens at that age NOT define who/what you are). Then again at 12 to 17. Same question? If what happened to me doesnt define who I am then what do I use to define it, it's all I've ever known?
"Dont let THEM win!"
...Win? hum...great another battle I have to be strong for. They won the second they pulled my pants down and raped me. They won that battle.
"By me being here, they have lost."
...please...how have they lost? Im the one here, I'm the one who cant make love to my wife because of the flashbacks, Im the one that is sopose to take a hand full of pills everyday just to get out of bed. I'm the one that has lost my childhood. How on earth is me being here me winning?
Well just a few thoughts. I mean dont get me wrong I understand why we say those things to eachother (or at least I think I do). They just really bug the crap out of me. You would think with us being over a 1000 strong just on this board we could come up with some better ways of describing what we are doing in our lives.
Thanks guys