Worcester, MA

Worcester, MA


New Registrant
Hello everyone,

I am a victim/survivor from Worcester MA.. My perp "priest" was coward enough to drop dead a few years back. He raped me for nearly 2-1/2 years while I was in high school during the early 80's. I am a regular contributor to the SNAP site, thought I'd check out your site as well...RP
Welcome worcester2003,

I am sorry that you had to find sites like MS and SNAP, and I am glad that you are looking for and finding the help you need.

You will find a great bunch of guys here.

I see that you are a clergy survivor located in MA. MS-NOMSV has an upcoming retreat in Leyden MA in October that is geared towards survivors of clergy abuse, check it out.

It looks like we are about the same age, I was in high school in the early 80's ('80-'83).

Welcome worchesterMA...I am glad you found us and shared with us on the board. Several guys I know were/are victims of "priest" (clergy) abuse. I say were because some have become involved in SNAP and other resources and are actively pursuing healing. I say are because a number of them also refuse help and chase "the bottle" or some other fleeting comfort which is very sad and upsetting.

From knowing them, I can see the deep, utter destructive aftermath in each of their lives. I am very glad SNAP is working with these folks.

I am a survivor as well but no clergy involved only several male and female perps over 8+ yrs.
Things are looking much better for me at this point in my recovery and healing.

Glad you can join us and share. I encourage you to look around and take and give support as you are able! I've found a lot of help here among these guys!!
