Wisdom drain at puplic forum?

Wisdom drain at puplic forum?

You have a point. But tho I didn't say a lot, I thot that, generally, this change was a good idea when I first heard about it, before I was a moderator or a member. Perhaps becuz I've seen it work so well on other sites I've been active on.

Roy, I'm not saying this sarcastically. But maybe the reason mostly moderators & members have spoken in favor of the change is that we've experienced the member forums, and thus of course both forums, and we see the value & the compatibility of both. At least I do.

For me its not a matter of being on the inside, in a place where others can't come, like some kinda clubhouse or something. It's a matter of being in a place where I am safer to open up more, something I need as I move into the process of disclosure I'm going slowly thru. I cantalk about things there I couldn't in any public forums. At least not yet. Some, maybe never.

Just for the record, I don't think you're being a pest. I think you are sincerely concerned about a site & a group of men you rightly appreciate & love. As we all are. Its our methods not our motives that differ.

And like others I believe me have mixed feelings about it. I know how it feels to be shut out and I don't want anyone to feel that way.

Every male survivor seeking support & recovery has a right to be here at Male Survivor. Every male survivor that wants to be able to say & do more & different things with sufficient safety, and begin a process of discolsure, also has a right to be at Male Survivor and should have a place to do those things, which can't be done on the public forums.

To me this way all male survivors can be better served & accomodated. And, as I am doing, they can come in more anonymously and as they work their recovery, feel they need or want it, and become ready, they can become members.

Again, just my opinion.

:D Wuame

I very much agree with what you're saying. Just some things to point out & thots on the threads, taking off on what you said.

Yes there are some threads even forums that are not available on the public forums, but by necessity--before, these were not available to anybody, period. So in that sense more is being offered to everybody than before. It's just a matter of who wants to take advantage of the new stuff by becoming members.

The only things I see not technically offered on the public boards now are the news, info, classified stuff, if I'm remembering right; the moderator & board of director spots never were available except to those persons.

So far the things I've seen posted in the news etc forums have been brought over to the public forums and discussed here, more than in the member forums in some cases.

Actually, I wonder if there's some good reason that those particular forums can't be in both the public and the member forum areas. I'll check into it.

I, and other members, including administrators, are making a point of bringing over stuff that can be brot over to the public forums.

So far I've not seen anything secret "over there" that wasn't secret "over here."

I chose to become a member, and a moderator, as a step in disclosure and in my own recovery, as well as to give back to Male Survivors, which means all of us!

:D Wuame

First of all welcome back from your surgery and I hope that recovery is going well, as well as your recovery as a survivor of SA!

Secondly, not a lot to comment on (isn't that a switch!? ;) ) as far as the legal considerations you bring up. But I've had some of those concerns as well and I'm glad you brot them up. A lot to think about there, and I appreciate it.

:D Wuame

If you haven't noticed already, the U.S. News, Foreign News, and Classified forums are back in the public forum area. Ask the Board is still in the members area, but as far as I can tell is still available to all. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.

I think that means all the forums that were available publicly before are now too. Again, correct me if I'm wrong; I'm not sure about "forum questions & suggestions." I'm memory-challenged. :confused:

Take Care All


There is much more going on in the public forum. It is too early to judge either way. Give it a chance. One never knows what will happen. Anyone is free to join. I do not regret it.
and one is free to be here on the public side of the forum without dues. If men here feel strongly enough they could come up with dues, or atleast a form of service.

At the very least we should support each other, the board is just looking at different ways to improve the site. Not everyone will agree.

safe and healthy site for men who were or are being abused

I was away from the site for awhile and came back to the changes. I can understand the need for funding and R NYC's explanation. The thoughts I have regarding a split site with a private members area are:

1. If the decision is really economic then I think of politics, creating a lobby group and professionalization of the organization based on the agenda of a predominantly professional board who want to help survivors. Perhaps not all bad for achieving national impact.

2. If I think of security of survivors and protection from predators or other such creeps I think "nice thought". Is it possible or viable to do it that way and what is the impact of separation of service to the survivors who access this board?

3. Overall I don't feel too bad about it as it is stated that for those who do not have money a way will be made for them to join. I don't know why I have not joined. I am not a creep, (except pre morning coffe time), can prove I am a real live survivor and have the money. I guess I am stubborn and like the idea of common free membership. I also agree funding is possible from other sources.

4. One thing I believe is that no matter how the administration sets things up the cadre of survivors MS serves will find a way to support each other. Those that need help will seek and be sought out by those of who are ready to help and support fellow surviviors.

5. The reality is that all organizations have factions, positions, orientations, agendas and various needs. Groups that can balance these factors without being harsh, manipulative or insensitive have a better chance of living up to their philosophy and mission statement. I hope MS can stay balanced, supportive and caring. Entry points into this group are critical I feel they should be supported with wisdom and ongoing free access.



Good insights! I think it is critical that the problem of male sexual victimization receive the kind of increasing international exposure that will lead to positive healing attitudes & actions in our society on behalf of & working with male survivors.

There is no better organization in place thru which to accomplish such positive exposure & action than Male Survivors. That's becuz there is no better in place than Male Survivors in which we male survivors can mutually support one another internationally.

I see no reason why Male Survivors can't continue to accomplish both: increase exposure of the issue of male sexual victimization internationally and increase support for & between male survivors internationally.

Actually, I don't see how one can happen without the other. They feed each other.

The more we are enabled to support one another & do so, the more credible coverage of the plight of male survivors there will be.

The more we spread the word about our plight & the need for support of every kind, the more good support all male survivors will have & be able to share.

And the very positive cycle will go on...

Thanks for all the throughts. I have been away for an week . I have not read any of your replys but printed them all out and look forward to reading them this week end Muldoon