With all due respect, and kinda like what Bob says, it seems to me that the same kind of conversations, wisdom, support, sharing, insights, etc are taking place in the public forums now as before the member forums were started.
It would be interesting to know an average number of posts on the public forums now as compared to before the member forums.
I'm here virtually every day, 2-3 times a day, and my gut feeling is that whatever decline in posting & changes in post there are started with the uproar Lyin Cub & a couple others had going all at once, which started well before the member forums did.
That problem has been cleaned up well, and as others have said its time to not let ourselves feel bullied by some cyberterrorist who cannot hurt us now, time to move on with the business of supporting one another and working our own recoveries.
In fact, I wonder if that whole mess, on top of other things, isn't why we now have member & public forums.
And actually I don't think it's such a bad idea. The public forums, as recently shown, are still very safe forums. They are especially good for those who are for whatever reasons not sure of the idea of "joining up" too quickly, or who still have anonymity as a/the major concern, or really can't pay the membership fee, which BTW is based on your income a kind of sliding fee scale.
I'm not poor or homeless or anything--tho I've been both--but I like most of us have a lot of bills & a little money. I'm currently on medical disability leave thru my work, tho I do still work a (very) little. To me, the membership is already valuable way beyond what I paid for it, just a week or so ago.
The member forums, for me, offer even more security than the public forums, simply becuz as soon as you pay the MS administration (at least some of them) know exactly who you are. For someone like me who has just become ready for that, to start breaking out of anonymity, it is a great step toward greater disclosure like going public, confronting a perp, etc.
The member forums for me are very liberating. In fact, I've made it a place "where everybody knows my name." As have many but not all the other men in those forums. Its still a choice.
Of the men I've seen on the forum, most still seem to be posting mostly on the public forum, or at least as much there as they were before.
I'm quite sure I've not used the public forums any less this past week or so than I did before. I'm simply using the MS site more, becuz I now post almost as much on the membership forums as on the public ones.
I talk about mostly the same topics of discussion that are in the public forums on the member forums. But I'm able to go deeper or more intimately into things becuz I'm not concerned about anonymity so much there. This too is very liberating--now that I'm ready for it & want it. That took a while.
And becuz of the additional sharing I can do on the member forums, I gain
more insight & inspiration I can share in old discussions or new topics on the public forum, without of course breaking confidentialities or anonymity.
I've been a "guest" and a "member" and even moderated and otherwise been active working in other forums (that charged a lot more than this one!). I had no problem with it. A lot of recovery forums do this & work it well it seems to me.
Of course all this is just my opinion & experience. So as they say take what you want & leave the rest.
I see no split or different groups of people here. I see only my fellow male survivor brothers.
Take Care