Hello everyone,
My internet browser at home is not working, so I have to post and respond to the board from work.
I came home from working a 10 hour shift last night and I just starting sobbing. I Tried to stop it, but I couldn't hold it back.
During that time, I was asking myself, why was I abused, why did the man( my gym teacher) who had the authority to stop the other boys from beating me choose to abuse me instead? Why was I punished?
The memories became so clear to me. I remembered what the locker room looked like in every detail, the smell, the bathroom, the shower area and even the gym teacher's office. I remember what every boy looked like. I even remember what the gym teacher was wearing when he would punish me. I remember all of it!!
Why did this happen? Why did he hurt me instead of protecting me? How did I fail?
During my thoughts about the sexual abuse I experienced as a child, the memory of being raped as an adult reared it's ugly head.
Why wasn't the word "No!" enough? Why didn't he let me go after I did those things he forced me to do? I told him how badly he was hurting me and he still did not stop. Why? I was never mean to this stranger. I never insulted him.
Why did he rape me? Why?
There must have been something I did. Something I missed. I must have done something to deserve this? What is it?? All of this must surely be repayment for something I've done in the past. What comes around goes around.
I am absolutely terrified. Why has my life become such a f**ked up mess?
I feel very raw and vulrunable as if the skin has been torn off my body.
My internet browser at home is not working, so I have to post and respond to the board from work.
I came home from working a 10 hour shift last night and I just starting sobbing. I Tried to stop it, but I couldn't hold it back.
During that time, I was asking myself, why was I abused, why did the man( my gym teacher) who had the authority to stop the other boys from beating me choose to abuse me instead? Why was I punished?
The memories became so clear to me. I remembered what the locker room looked like in every detail, the smell, the bathroom, the shower area and even the gym teacher's office. I remember what every boy looked like. I even remember what the gym teacher was wearing when he would punish me. I remember all of it!!
Why did this happen? Why did he hurt me instead of protecting me? How did I fail?
During my thoughts about the sexual abuse I experienced as a child, the memory of being raped as an adult reared it's ugly head.
Why wasn't the word "No!" enough? Why didn't he let me go after I did those things he forced me to do? I told him how badly he was hurting me and he still did not stop. Why? I was never mean to this stranger. I never insulted him.
Why did he rape me? Why?
There must have been something I did. Something I missed. I must have done something to deserve this? What is it?? All of this must surely be repayment for something I've done in the past. What comes around goes around.
I am absolutely terrified. Why has my life become such a f**ked up mess?
I feel very raw and vulrunable as if the skin has been torn off my body.