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What gets you thru. i mean when you are rock bottom can't take no more can't breathe no more reasons to keep going, what gets y ou thru? why grab onto the rope when all your gonna get is bleeding fucking torturing rope burn........................
why why why why why why why me why now why me why anymore why why why why
There is, for me, no answer to the question why did this happen. But I know why I keep going. Today has been a tough one for me, so I feel you misery, believe me I do. But this tiny piece of me deep down inside knows that there is a happy life for me out there. Sometimes I cant see or feel that little piece of myself and those are scary times for me. Sometimes I cant breath and a shake all over. Sometimes I get so cold that my teeth chatter and I shiver all over. What gets me through some of those times is reaching out to someone, like you are doing here.

Sometimes I can barely whisper the words Help me. Occasionally I have to be strong and whisper them more that once. Every now and then I have to whisper them to more that one person. Those are also hard and very scary times. But I did get through and on the other side I always discover there were people all around me that cared about what was happening to me and wanted to help me.

The best part of the story is that I never deserved their help. I didnt do anything to earn it. It was a free gift that they gave me with no strings attached. I hope it helps you to know that you are not alone right now. Somewhere else in the world, at this very instant, I am going through this with you.

Dont give up. The pain has an end even if you cant see it right now.

  • Momentum?
  • Inertia?
  • Stubbornness?
  • Spitefulness?
  • Smidgen of hope?
  • All of the above. :D
sometimes, "keep your head down" is the phrase that works best for me. Also "wait out the storm." They are cliches, but they are used so much because there is some wisdom to them.

I wish you the best of luck.

My little brother Alan:

Why: Well let me ask you a question. Why Not? We do it for ourselves to have a better life and we do it for those that love and depend on us. We do it because we also depend on them. Simple. As a matter of fact you said that yourself.

I feel your pain and I wish that I could bear some of it for you.
Al, I am most sorry that you sound so down in this post. I truly am not certain of why to hang on of this. I just know that I will, and I do. I make promise of myself and my brother that I will not give up of this. And sometime, I will believe that I DO deserve to be better of all this, that I am worthy of healing of all this. And even though those feelings are not even half of time, it is enough right now to keep me here and keep me to try of this. I am not sure there is good advice I can give. But I hope that you feel better and stronger to deal of all this soon. I wish you well.

What a question al, I too aften feel this way and ask myself the very same question. I do not know how or why I always continue on, all I know is that I do carry on, and always will, I have promised myself I won't let this kill me, and thus far I have kept this promise, and have every intention of always keeping it. Fear is a big feeling involoved when asking "why" but you must find the courage to move through that fear, we all are very brave, whether we believe it or not, and I know I do not believe I am, but somehow I keep enough courage to keep on, and you can too, it just takes a little bit of effort.

Hey Al!

Sorry to hear you're feeling down...trust me, we can all relate. For me, the aggrevation sometimes just lies in my being alone and doing "isolative" behavior--i.e. detracting from friends and the like. These are the times when I just do nothing but stupid stuff (which I know I should not be doing--or I have tons of OTHER important things to do). I just isolate myself, and then later, I wonder what is going on with my life...I become overwhelmed and the like.

Still, as Wrangler there said, "But this tiny piece of me deep down inside knows that there is a happy life for me out there." Indeed, I find it annoying sometimes to not realize or to forget that to a certain degree, I am exactly where I want to be. I have reconciled various issues in my life, and while there is still much to go, I have "survived" (as this board is aptly named). Indeed, for all of us, we have gone so far. We have been taken advantage of by those who we may have trusted or those who may have been in a greater position of "power." We went through, many times, various cycles of depression and indeed, question "Why me?" Our faith may have been rocked not just in God but in this world in general and its people. I can go on and on, but my point is that we have been through so much. Why stop now? We've survived this far, imagine how much further we can go. I think a useful way to manage is to sometimes just get out there...go for a jog or else, just get out of the house. See the world outside, and look at the people around you.

We are all the same. Even those who are NOT abused, have encountered their own pain, and trying to live on in this world which sometimes seems so harsh (especially for us). Nevertheless, you also see people who are happy, laughing, etc. The thing is, we are not different from them. We too can be happy if we focus ourselves on our future and on our goals. The problem with us sometimes is that we tend to ponder the past or even just the present moment's problems. We get overwhelmed.

Here's a thought experiment: just think of what it is that you ideally want in life. Just picture yourself of where you want to be say 5 years from now. Is it a family, is it a career, is it a faith community, is it any/all of these? Then, focus on this, and think of whow you can get there day by day (even little things like say...okay, today I'll watch less TV so that I can get out there a bit or else today, less computer stuff so I can go ahead and stay away from depressing stuff--these are just random suggestions that may/may not mean anything to you so take them for what they're worth).

Another practical thing for me is just to write out everything...i.e. how you feel, be it on this board or in private. Write down say a letter to the person you hate most, to say an old friend, or whatever. You don't have to send it anywhere, but it's something that sometimes helps to just make you realize what is really going on with your feelings (and trust me, I think sometimes that it's not so much the intense anger that drives us to depression, but really just that we feel so many emotions and can't let them out!).

The thing I have realized in my life (and even now, as I am in one), is that we often get stuck in "ruts." We know we have gotten out of them before and that we will, but when we're there, that's all we can focus on. For me, it helps to really stop and just think of what it is that matters. Indeed, think of what I truly want to do. No matter how old, jaded you are, deep down, there is a part of you that still dreams. If there wasn't, you would likely not be a "survivor," and certainly not one posting on here to reach out to others. You have, as stupid as it sounds, to "nurture" this dreamer (man, that sounds overly dramatic...but really can't think of a better word). That is the part of you that is the best of you.

Before any of us were ever abused, that part of us was strong and vibrant, but many times, because of the abuse and its obvious and not-so-obvious effect, that "dreamer" gets quashed. We just have to have faith and cling to it. Indeed with it, we can once again move mountains : )

A little while back there was a post called Is it really that bad?? .

I liked your reply -
Somebody said to me once: what if the pain really doesn't stop then??? That freaked me out for a while.

Something else i heard thru my travels: stop trying to die, start trying to live....

What stops me? Promises i've made to people i care about.
What makes you hang on, keep grabbing for the rope, despite the pain? The hopes and promise of a better life and the promises to those you care about.

I feel you pain, Al. I wish I could help take it away or at least bring some relief.

I screwed up once (at least in this particular way), I just let go of the rope. I forgot about those that love me, those I love. I caused them a lot of grief. I have taken a tight grasp on that rope. Sometimes it burns and tears at the flesh. But, most of the time, it pulls you through the quagmires.
