Why we're different

Why we're different


I've only just now thought about this, although it seems like I've known it all along.

The fact that we (survivors) are looking for help outside of ourselves sets us apart. We have a huge advantage over the others that suffer in dysfunction and silence, because we've acknowledged that we can't recover by ourselves. We needed help and we admitted it and that's why we're all here.

I would imagine that some survivors of CSA and rape in general don't need outside help to recover and get their lives back. For instance, I don't need outside help to quit drinking, I just did it. For others, it's not so easy. I would imagine that the same rules apply for people trying to recover from sexual abuse.

So I guess all I'm saying is that I need you guys cuz' I'm just like that alcoholic that can't quit drinking on his own without outside intervention and/or searching outside of himself for recovery.

I've tried to do it by myself for my whole adult life and I just couldn't do it. But with your help (all of you guys), I have a chance now. I think I see light at the end of this long tunnel.

You make a good point in the regards to needing outside sources of help in our recovery. My therapist has a quote he likes to use which goes something like this.

"We were wounded in relationship, and we can only find healing through relationship."

I have found that to be so true in my own recovery. When I first hit the wall, I thought I'd just wait it out and things would get better. They didn't.

Then I thought to myself I'd go to therapy for a few months and I would be fixed. Didn't happen, although I did make some progress, and declared myself cured. I wasn't.

Then I found this place and WOW! I am beginning to recognize real progress in my life and the way I handle the issues that arise on a daily basis. Also I am finally able to see how important it is to have a group of friends who know and understand, and can offer genuine caring as well as lovingly bring me up short if I need it.

Humans were never meant to go it alone. We are social people and need each other for so many aspects of our lives. Yet, we also need to be able to function independently. I think that is the whole issue of the various forms of abuse. People can't seem to figure out where those boundaries should be between independence and social need. They cross them and violate others.

We are here to learn how to place those boundaries back where they belong as well as to repair the damage done when our boundaries were crossed as children. I am so thankful this place exists, as it has shown me how important others are to my recovery.

I love each and every one of you.

hauser that light you see at the end of the tunnel?its you dude its your light shinning ,he tried to extinguish your light and almost succeded but its your light that is still shinning bright ,you just kinda lost sight of it for a while. that light,that bright as the sun light?well its just the things we all see in you everyday.i'm so glad you are finding it ,very cool dude !funny we set out here looking for something, anything to help us heal and what do we find?ourselves,in the eyes of others we are so different than what we think we are. thank you for shinning your light into my tunnel untill i can find my own way out,i wouldnt be here at all if it wasnt for you. adam
Think of it as a long tunnel, where you left the light behind and wandered through the tunnel to find the light, surely you must have travelled almost far enough to reach the light!

Yes, it is good you find this place, but there must be how many more out there living in the hell we call silence!

Never underestimate the power of the human mind, to work things out.
If I reach out in the real world, how could I ever do it!

None of us can really, so we need to find strength together in a place like this,

Think of it as a long tunnel, where you left the light behind and wandered through the tunnel to find the light, surely you must have travelled almost far enough to reach the light!

Yes, it is good you find this place, but there must be how many more out there living in the hell we call silence!

Never underestimate the power of the human mind, to work things out.
If I reach out in the real world, how could I ever do it!

None of us can really, so we need to find strength together in a place like this,

Hauser - it's good not to be alone isn't it!?

Best wishes...Rik