Why is life so F'd up

Why is life so F'd up


Hi, I'm casper and why does life have to be so dame stupid. I'm alway's getting the shit end of everything. It's no problem for people to use me and throw me away or fuck the shit out of me, but when i want to do something like play playstation or rollerblade, i can't. Or like when were at the T's office, I want to tell him my story but everyone say's were not ready. What's that crap, I AM. What about me. Everyone gets to put in there two cents, why don't mine count. And they can't say it's cuz I'm only 15 again cuz they's been listining to little john and he's only 13. I wish i knew why i was even put here. noone cares bout me but i'm supposed to care about us. What the fuck is that. And I'm alway's getting yelled at cuz I cus. So please don't yell at me, I'm already getting yelled at. I have to go. -Casper
Hi Casper!

Hey - not gonna yell - I hear you - yeah life is up and down -

cussing ain't so bad - it is effective expression if you ask me - tells people with intensity and helps release some of that 'emotion.'

Casper, sounds like the world is coming down on you man. I know this sounds like bull-shit, but believe me, THINGS WILL CHANGE, THINGS WILL GET BETTER. I remember feeling very similar to you at about the same age. You are probably totally tired of hearing that you have to be patient and wait your turn and do what you are told. Is there an older adult or friend who you can talk to? Sometimes just telling someone how you feel makes things feel better. Take care. Peace, Andrew
Hey Casper,

I know how you feel. Been there. Feel like I'm still there sometime and it's been a bunch of years since I was 15. When I was your age nobody wanted to listen to me and besides that it wasn't safe to tell them about what was going on. If I had told my folks about what was happening to me they would have beat me like it was my fault or something. I've had a hard time working through that. But like Andrew said, it does get better.

I wish you had just one person you could trust that you could talk to face to face and tell them how you feel. It would help you put things into perspective.

And feel free to hang around here. You're welcome any time even though it is sad the reason you are here. One thing about that is we are all here for the same reason you are and we know what you are going through.

Hopefully you will find this a safe place to talk even if you have no place else.


Thank's. I think I might talk to the T today. It's just hard cuz there's only 45 minutes and people don't like sharing. I know it'll probally get better, it's just that I don't see it happening anytime soon. Maybe I'll post my story here, although I'm told not to it's to the point now where I just don't give a fuck. Thank's again. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. -Casper