Why is life so F'd up
Hi, I'm casper and why does life have to be so dame stupid. I'm alway's getting the shit end of everything. It's no problem for people to use me and throw me away or fuck the shit out of me, but when i want to do something like play playstation or rollerblade, i can't. Or like when were at the T's office, I want to tell him my story but everyone say's were not ready. What's that crap, I AM. What about me. Everyone gets to put in there two cents, why don't mine count. And they can't say it's cuz I'm only 15 again cuz they's been listining to little john and he's only 13. I wish i knew why i was even put here. noone cares bout me but i'm supposed to care about us. What the fuck is that. And I'm alway's getting yelled at cuz I cus. So please don't yell at me, I'm already getting yelled at. I have to go. -Casper