why is everything happening to me?
John asked me in the chatroom last night if I always want to chat everytime I come into a chatroom and my answer was: yes. I thought to myself that of course I want to talk! Even though sometimes it's really difficult to talk about things it's really all I have.
Everything in my life is falling apart right now. I've been breaking down and crying all day today - I didn't get any sleep last night. Everyone has been looking at me like they feel sorry for me. Poor child, he has no mother...I find myself wondering why all of these things are happening to me now?
My neighbor has been in jail for a couple weeks now and it almost seems like a mistake. Nothing has gotten better since I told. He doesn't come over to hurt me but I get scared at the smallest noise. I can't sleep because of it. I try everything. It's hard to stay in the same bed and same bedroom that everythign happened. He lived across the street and I'm even afraid to go outside. I wanted so desperately to move away this summer, to go live with my aunt. My aunt said no, that I can't live with her this summer. She was my biggest hope. Hope for a safe place, even if for a little while.
School has probably been my biggest stress this year. I've blown up so many times at teachers, don't remember some of them. Gotten into trouble. Haven't been expelled yet and I guess that's the best thing. I've really tried though. Even through everything happening I wanted good grades this year. I couldn't even acomplish that. I made such lousy grades. Not as bad as last year but that's because I've been actually trying. I still failed more than half my classes. I'm worthless.
I need so much help right now. I don't feel safe anywhere and I'm living on too little sleep. I can live like this all summer. It's so hard to do this. I want to know how people get sleep who have had trouble with it before. I think that if I could get sleep at least I would be able to function through the day. Sometimes it feels like taking one to many sleeping pills would solve everything. The truth is that I hate sleeping even when I do get it. I can't stand the nightmares. If anything is worse than the abuse itself it's being haunted by it everyday. I just can't live like this... I'm sorry this is so long. I'll stop now.
Everything in my life is falling apart right now. I've been breaking down and crying all day today - I didn't get any sleep last night. Everyone has been looking at me like they feel sorry for me. Poor child, he has no mother...I find myself wondering why all of these things are happening to me now?
My neighbor has been in jail for a couple weeks now and it almost seems like a mistake. Nothing has gotten better since I told. He doesn't come over to hurt me but I get scared at the smallest noise. I can't sleep because of it. I try everything. It's hard to stay in the same bed and same bedroom that everythign happened. He lived across the street and I'm even afraid to go outside. I wanted so desperately to move away this summer, to go live with my aunt. My aunt said no, that I can't live with her this summer. She was my biggest hope. Hope for a safe place, even if for a little while.
School has probably been my biggest stress this year. I've blown up so many times at teachers, don't remember some of them. Gotten into trouble. Haven't been expelled yet and I guess that's the best thing. I've really tried though. Even through everything happening I wanted good grades this year. I couldn't even acomplish that. I made such lousy grades. Not as bad as last year but that's because I've been actually trying. I still failed more than half my classes. I'm worthless.
I need so much help right now. I don't feel safe anywhere and I'm living on too little sleep. I can live like this all summer. It's so hard to do this. I want to know how people get sleep who have had trouble with it before. I think that if I could get sleep at least I would be able to function through the day. Sometimes it feels like taking one to many sleeping pills would solve everything. The truth is that I hate sleeping even when I do get it. I can't stand the nightmares. If anything is worse than the abuse itself it's being haunted by it everyday. I just can't live like this... I'm sorry this is so long. I'll stop now.