why does this subject make me feel so sick

why does this subject make me feel so sick
i mean i guess, i figure but
so those two boys thta were kidnapped in missori and found recently
they were just talking about it on the news.
my parents are watching and i listened to it.
my insides feel horrible right now
my chest is really tight and tickling.
my stomach its turning and burnning
whyyy though.
ugh i mean i ask that question and i can answer it in my head but at the same time i dont understand why sometimes hearing about possible sexual assault/abuse, doesn't bother me and sometimes it DOES
i mean usually its hearing about people who really are hurt only, that story, nothing has been said about then being hurt so,
why does this make me feel so funny inside
why does hearing about it scare me so much
god i hate this.
im sorry you feel so bad. i hope you will be ok. this story upsets me a lot too and triggers me yet it is everywhere i go and i cant get away from it.
somebody should look at the older kids parents ,maybe he thought it was better with the abuser? could it be that being with this guy was better than being with his parents?
I dont know if this well help any but before my original abuser abused me (during the grooming period) I would definately say that I prefered his company to that of my parents. And i suppose I still prefered it after the assualt otherwise why would I return again and again .... because of a very succesful grooming technique.

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
Adam, I thought the same thing when the kid never bolted.
The worst thing in the world is to put these kids in the media.

They have made those kids a 'target' for any other weirdo to come along.
I can only see two terrified little kids who will want to just be alone forever.

At least they would be given protection from the media in my country, to save them going through hell again and again,

It can be very distressing seeing this stuff in the media. Before you know it you've already seen in on the TV or read the headline in the paper and you've already been made to feel sick.

Regarding why the kid(s) didn't leave: Stockholm Syndrome perhaps?

It can be even more distressing when you read the lies your perp(s) put into the public domain and because of who he is ...... also the media and now because his sentence and conditions of release are spent there is sod all I can do about it. Wonderful thing British justice ... dont make me laugh.

Very possibly Stockholm Syndrome and due to the amount of time in captivity a raging certainty.

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
This is the absolute last place I thought that people wouldn't "get" Shawns situation...

Boys don't tell, ya's haven't figured that out by now?

He was 11 when he was kidnapped, just picture that, I can't.

You can bet the molestation happenened right away, to kill his will & silence him if nothing else. Child porn on the computor, what other evidence do you need?

Lets just say that after the first few months of captivity, his leash was lengthened enough for him to summon help somehow, can you imagine the shit in his mind? Do you really think he wanted his parents, family & peers to know what happened to him? He felt the same shame & guilt that ususally buys our silence for decades, if not forever, only times his by a thousand. This poor child probibly thought that his parents were better off thinking him dead than to face them & everyone else with the shame he felt.

It's my contention that he probibly would've stayed away even into adulthood if it weren't for the recent turn of events.

I don't know about you guys, but watching his parents on tv & knowing all they sacrificed to keep looking for Shawn & other missing children...I wish they were my parents.

As for "parading" them out on tv one time, I think it was good for us to see them, all of us. It put a face on the story and makes it more real to the avarege Jo & will hopefully make it harder for bleeding heart judges to walk pedophiles.
I guess you guys dont really get it, but Shawn was 11yo when he was abducted.
At that age I would have escaped to back home given the chance.

Why? He did not, is anyones guess, but when I look into his eyes, I see something I dont want to ever see, a boy, who is not so happy being reunited with his parents.

Maybe he had been abused by them, I dont know, but kids tend to stick with safety rather than feel unsafe with their own kin.

Its totally wrong to expose these kids in the media, because they will always be exposed all through their lives.

I am lost for words on the control issue, but kids can easily be controlled by those who seek to do it, often believing what an abuser puts into their mind.

I just want to make a point again that you may all have overlooked.
If a kid discloses he will think that he will be put in the media spotlight just like these kids.

That is enough for any kid to keep silent, bar none,
