Why do we put up with it?

Why do we put up with it?


I'm just sitting here thinking - it took me over 3 decades to shout up!

I decided to take it further because I spoke up to a policeman that actually believed me, and also had some understanding of what the impact was upon my life!

The whole thing was then taken over by CPS and the Judicial System.

I never got to speak to the Prosecution Barrister (he was prosecuting for the Crown, not for me, nor for the other witnesses). The defence was obviously speaking up for the now convicted paedophile James Fowler!

I was never asked by anyone if there was any specific aspect of the case that I would like to be emphasised!

Why did they not make a point of 'similar behaviour' relating to Police investigations in 2004, rather than accepting that nothing had occurred since 1977 (latest crimes for which he was convicted).

I know that most people now think that I got a decent result, and that it's time to move on!

Is it acceptable to be ripped off and say that it doesn't matter?

Today I received my second response from the Attorney General's office - they are contacting the CPS for a comment!

I actually laughed when I opened the letter... I've already told them that I had spoken to CPS, and was not satisfied with their response, which is why I wrote to The Attorney General!

Is it me? Am I thick or do these learned gentlemen and ladies just not understand anything??

Where can you buy a **** off rubber mallet?

Best wishes Rik ( sat here with an inane grin on my face).

I know that most people now think that I got a decent result, and that it's time to move on!
I don't think anyone here would say you got a decent result. I bet all of us were expecting a custodial sentence, and any realistic expectation of the sentence would have been seen by many of us as insufficient.

I guess the issue now is this. Thanks to you James Fowler is a convicted pedophile on the sex offenders register. Achieving this has clearly been important to your recovery. But what is important to your recovery now? Only you can answer this of course.

The continued pursuit of Fowler will use up a lot of emotional resources and expose you to endless frustration. Is it worth it? What do you gain? Can any result ever repay what you suffered as a boy?

On the other hand, you could of course decide to draw a line under the whole thing, save your resources for other recovery tasks and move on. But is it that easy? Can one just "decide" to do that and walk away?

My hope here, bro, is that you will decide all this based on your best interests and what will most facilitate your recovery. Only you can make the decisions, and I can only stress that whichever way you go you have our respect and support. What you have done already is such a huge achievement.

Much love,

nobody here thinks you got a decent result.
How can a poor gentleman who abused boys on a multiple of incidents ever be held accountable for the mass of hurt and destruction he did!

It is inconceivable that you did not have the right to instruct the cps barrister.
Maybe you should demand that you get a debriefing from him, and he should have told you of grounds of appeal too.

If you were all girls, this perp would be rotting in jail. Single mothers stealing to feed their kids are more likely to be locked away in this country.

I cannot perceive the hurt to you, but all of us in here also got hurt by this one.
At least you have saved other kids from him, so that will be a good thing.

He will be watched like a hawk by neighbours etc.
You can take heart in knowing you have made his life miserable from taking "his toys" away,
