Why? Do we let it hurt

Why? Do we let it hurt


I just think sometimes that this place just is hurt.

I dunno why, I never can, no way.

I just dont know who I am no more, but I have no choice, I have to just be me, cos, I dont know so much more in life.

I crossed over into a different World when I was a child, and maybe God should just have made it permanent then.

The f*cked up little kid almost got there, but he held on so much to f*cking what!

Yeah, he nearly died at age about 12yo, and he is not looking for any sympathy, and I wish those doctors just never help him to be here sometimes.

I am sorry, but I am really fucked up, and I no care no more, dont fuck me please, and dont fuck no more ppl and i mens it,please dont i beg, like a dog, but you still beat me so dont.

Dont be there I have pleaded and you take no notice, you never did,


You have given voice to a lot of silent men. You tell of feelings that we all share.

Yes, you just have to be you. But first, you have to find out who the real you is.

You are not the boy begging like a dog. No, you are the man with his head held high.

You are brave for sharing and I thank you.

Dear vISHa
I share the same feelings with you. I hate it that i m here and hate it still who brought r me because it is my fucking dad who i again have to spend night once again.