Why do T's with Male CSA expierence cost so much?

Why do T's with Male CSA expierence cost so much?
I'm sorry if I offend anyone who is a therapist but this is just me ranting.

First off, its very hard to find someone who has experience in Male CSA. Second, when I do they charge $150 a session (aka $200 an hour) and sometimes aren't even taking patients. I guess for most most people who have good insurance this isn't a problem. But what about us who don't have good out of network coverage, thats another thing, none of them accept insurance so they are always out of network. I'm supposed to have $600 extra every month, at that rate my $2500 deductible doesn't look that big.

There was one guy who actually was part of my network that had a good background. Unfortunately he is too far to travel, I tried for awhile it was too much and then the gas prices increased.

I did get a name of someone in my local rape crisis center, who I was leary of trying but I guess I will have to.

Hi Jason,

The problem you've identified is real, however it isn't so much the fault of therapists or other mental health professionals. Rather, it is an ethically questionable scheme designed by the health insurance industry with only one goal in mind: to maximize profits!

Good luck,
Hi Jason,

Russ is correct in saying that the problem is very real. I ran into the same thing. I have discovered that even though my therapist is out of network, my insurance will reimburse me for 75% of my out of pocket expenses once I have a canceled check and a receipt/bill from my T. He also has a sliding scale depending on income. You might check out those possibilities.

I hope you find what you need.

Courage my friend,

Here in the UK I work for a charity that 'charges' 30 or about $52 for an hour session with a fully qualified and specialist therapist.

If our clients get referred from their doctor then the Health Service pays the bill.
Very few of our clients actually pay their own fee's, only those that self refer and we forgo those fee's if the client can't afford it.
We do 'ask' all our clients for a contribution, and nearly all do give generously.
We make a small profit which covers costs and modest expansion.

Thanks for the tip, but England is too long of a commute :D
I feel your pain. I am luckythat my insurance covers all but a $20 copay. But i might have to cut back, I go twice a week right now and thejump from $80 a month to $160 with my wife out of work is major for me. have you tried to call and ask for a list of doctors that are in network. you might be able to find one in network with male csa in there background. it took me a couple tries but I eventually found one. my first try was a little weird. It ended up she was my moms t for several years, she didnt recognize my name at first, after getting into some details she realized who i was and we decided it was a conflict, small world. good luck finding one that works out.