why cant i seem to do anything right ?
do i see the world so differently that i cant tell the difference between right and wrong?seems like instead of being in control of my life ,i'm just being pushed along on a wave out of control,crashing through life ,from one disaster to another.ok maybe i am the source of my problems but how can trying to do the right thing always turn out wrong? sorry to rant but i just dont understand the so called normal people in this world . a few days ago i tried to stop a little boy fron crying ,simple little act ,no other motive except i cant stand to see a kid crying ,so the kid wanted some cookies at the store but the mom didnt have enough money ,like a fool i bought the cookies and gave them to the kid ,well mom throws a shit fit ,saying she dont need my charity ,it's none of my buissness ,made the kid cry again when he had to give the cookies back .it was like she physicaly slapped me ,turning something i thought was good into a shitty experience.ok i'm going long here so excuse that ok? yesterday i got a call from the hospital ,my ex neighbor who lived on the farm next to me had a heart attack ,where i am from ,neighbors take care of each other ,just the way it is ,so i have helped him on his farm many times and he would do the same for me .my neighbor was 78 years old and i think that those of us younger should kinda watch out for the older people you know ? dont just ignore them ,they can teach us so much .so i'll say we were good friends ,in the three years i lived there i never saw any of his family , about 3 weeks ago one of his sons dropped of his grandson to stay wiith him ,but the son just dropped him off and left ,so when he got to the hospital the old guy told them to call me ,not his family ,also his grandson was at the hospital alone .so i got there as soon as i could they said he was dying ,so i talked with him and made him let them call his family .i sat with him and held his hand ,so did his grandson ,i tried to make it eaiser for him ,he talked to us about his life and i told him i would take care of his animals ,he was worried about the stupid cows!as he got worse his grandson left the room and i held his hand and fell asleep in the chair .i woke up and the old man was crying ,he felt so hurt because his family didnt seem to care about him ,it broke my heart because i knew how he felt ,at 7 03 pm john died with me still holding his hand ,by far the saddest day of my life .i though that my being there for him was something good ,he didnt die alone also i tried to explain to his grand son about dying versus suffering .this was an emotional bombshell for me ,i was a mess inside ,ok too long i know .so at about 730 i was still in the room with john and the grandson ,we were just saying our goodbyes.when in busts the family ,a son and two daughters ,adults ,right off the bat the son is irate that they wer'ent called sooner ,and exactly who the hell was i ,what was i doing there? and to get the hell away from his son ,who was holding onto me crying,then they started asking the doctors why the hell they called me and who let me into his room !the doctors told them they called me at his request and it was my idea to call the family ,then the daughters started saying that i had probably been ripping the old man off !!that if he left me anything in his will they would fight it !what the hell ? i didnt want anything from him he was my friend thats all . then they said i dont know who the hell you are, but we want you out of here ,now! after all i tried to do they threw me out acted like i had done something wrong .the grandson wouldnt let go and they dragged him away crying !damn it i'm sick of the normal world if i have to be like those idiots to be normal then to hell with that . it just hurts so bad to try your best and get kicked in the ass everytime .it took everything i had to sit there and watch that man die !! i didnt want to be there ,i could have walked out ,but i didnt and an old mans death didnt have to happen with him totaly alone ,i swear one of these days i could just go off on the so called normal world . now i think that one of the hardest things i have ever done was just another mistake ,hell they'll probably try to sue me or some shit .you know those walls we built and are here trying to tear down ,well i aint ever giving mine up ,its not safe without them ,i'd rather feel nothing than feel like this.no more caring for me ,no more putting my feelings out there for people like them to walk on .no wonder i felt safe in the closet ,cause it aint safe out in the 'normal world for people like me.sorry i took up so much space here. in their world people dont do anything with out a reason ,just cause he was my friend ? they cant seem to believe that. everyone is out to get something ?,well not in my world ,they made my feelings seem like a cheap trick to get something ,i dont want anything from them or their so called normal world ,that world sucks even worse that the world we all live in at least we understand that caring doesnt come with a price tag . i'm so tired of life pulling shit like this on me adam