Why can't I ever be happy with myself?
I'm not sure what is going on with me. I just noticed that i'm never happy, it's always suffering everywere I go. I get very irritated if anyone touches me or gets anywhere close. It's driving me nuts. Anyone here like this?
I really need a hug right now from my sexual abuse and those dudes from school who called me homosexual names for years. It's more like no one understands or cares for me. I'm always rejected. When I have friends they leave me behind and I could never get close. This past school year was bad but not the worst. I did meet some cool people but later they rejected me and I was later very sad since I had no one to sign my year book or atleast a bye for me on the last day. I had the thought that everyone at my school thought I was gay or something and hated me. At least I am attractive but it doesn't get too far.
I really need a hug right now from my sexual abuse and those dudes from school who called me homosexual names for years. It's more like no one understands or cares for me. I'm always rejected. When I have friends they leave me behind and I could never get close. This past school year was bad but not the worst. I did meet some cool people but later they rejected me and I was later very sad since I had no one to sign my year book or atleast a bye for me on the last day. I had the thought that everyone at my school thought I was gay or something and hated me. At least I am attractive but it doesn't get too far.