Why bother with recovery
I jumped into Therapy, sure that I was going to root it all out - no matter what the cost - I would force myself into experiencing memories that began to overwhelm me - At that point, my T said something I found really useful - that she did not think it was good to push myself to the point of re-experiencing the trauma since without having done the groundwork of having the tools for understanding it or the tools for not letting it overwhelm me, it became a form of re-traumatizing myself - although it was hard to hear, she suggested that I be patient - I was and still am sometimes not very patient - but I know she is right - and I am taking the time to develop the tools I need to face this.
Perhaps your T needs more feedback so that she can help you deal with it in measured and safe ways - healing should not be a new form of trauma...
Perhaps your T needs more feedback so that she can help you deal with it in measured and safe ways - healing should not be a new form of trauma...