Where to begin
I am wondering how to begin healing myself? I wrote my first post yesterday that told my story, and after I first wrote it I felt quite good. Then after about half an hour later I was terrified. I thought what the hell did I just do, I just told everybody the thing that I am most ashamed of and never wanted anybody to know about. My next thought was does anybody believe me? That is one of the scariest thoughts of all, that nobody believes me. I have no recollection of being abused, but am positive that I was. So for me it is easy to think that people don't believe simply because of repressed memories. If one has lived my life or knew the entire story there would be no questioning at all, but the thought that people don't believe me is I suppose as scary or worse then not ever saying anything. I was considering never coming back here again, but I find myself being drawn back like a moth to a flame. I have seen many therapist throughout my life, probably 10 or more, and most of them were not very good. The first one I saw at the age of 13 called me a litte piece of &@#$, and I used to hide under my bed to avoid seeing him. The last one I saw was quite good, but I moved so I don't see her anymore. She told me I was like a dog that was beaten, in the sense that they will come near you wanting to be pet but in the end are too scared to actually come to you. That is exactly how I feel when it comes to people. I so long for true relationships with people, but I do not trust anybody. So, where to begin???? I guess this is a start, but I know an hour from now I am going to be pissed off at myself for coming back here and scared as hell for expressing my true feelings, instead of hiding them as I have done my whole life. I found a quote today that I really like and thought that I would share it.
"Without freedom from the past, there is no freedom at all, because the mind is never new, fresh, and innocent." Krishnamurti
"Without freedom from the past, there is no freedom at all, because the mind is never new, fresh, and innocent." Krishnamurti