where I'm at

where I'm at


hello men:

wow, it has been too long since i posted on this site or visited it. i've had some week. hopefully some of y'all will remember my earlier posts.

well, last friday something new happened. i moved my bowels and when wiping myself i felt a very sensitive lump at my anus. i think i went into denial about it. i was really afraid but i did nothing.

i did not go to the clinic. i just went about my day. bad idea. by that evening i was in much pain. but earlier, that afternoon i visited 2 porn shops to view porn for the first time in i think months.

i've shared before that i have a problem with using porn to self medicate, to numb emotional pain. so i guess i had a slip.

i want to make this quick. i need to leave this library pc. so i went to the clinic monday and learned i had a hemoroid. and i was given medicine to help it and i took a laxative to clean me out and soften my stool.

so thank God all is better now but it was a tough week. a strong word of advice: if you find yourself straining regularly to move your bowels go see a Dr. immediately! you do not want to go through what i have and am currently going through. believe me it was and still is no fun! ok men i hope to come back soon. take care all

You had a frigthening event. Many of us jump to the idea that anything that happens to us will be really bad. But it turns out to be something that can be fixed fairly easily.

A slip is just a slip. So now you get to start with all the enthusiasm of someone trying to do a courageous thing. Good luck to you.

Take good caare of yourself and you will heal.
