Where am I today?

Where am I today?


I've been here since Dec 31st 2003 (20 months).

When I first came here, I was a total wreck (sorry for those that have heard this many times).

With your support (and friends when I found the guts to tell them), I managed to speak to the Police. Things progress - court case pending / published in town newspaper / someone else came forward / case stronger - I feel better! Still months to go, but it's getting there.

When I first came here, I used to log on every night and read posts/ try to respond and support everyone else that needed it.

Now that I feel stronger, I don't come here every night. Sometimes it's only once or twice a week. Sometimes I feel that I should be responding to posts but am uncertain as to what I should say. Does getting better mean that I would eventually loose my ability to help others?

I feel that I owe so much, that I should always give some of my time to support others that arrive here and need that help.

I know that I still need to log on now, I need all of you - it's frightening to think that one day I may be OK and not need support. I hope that I can still give it.

Thanks and best wishes ...Rik
anytime you come here we feel the support. :)

I thank your bravery to speak with police and legally to address to yours abuser. I shall speak in court in less then month, that this person done to me, and I am absolutely not ready, I rather am afraid. But I see it when it is made, probably which give me bravery to address to other things of my family. I shall think success to you.

VN - when you go to court, you will not be alone. Everyone here will be with you.

Remember that if you feel alone in the witness box - your membership number is 2667 - that means that there will be at least 2666 more people in there with you (I don't think anyone here will mind me saying that).

You are strong - stay strong and do what you have to do.

Someone once wrote here, that a Hero is someone that does something even though they are afraid of doing it - wear your badge with pride!

Best wishes ...Rik

That was such a thoughtful and interesting post. When I feel really bad and hopeless I think back to cases like yours, where someone is doing things that I know I could never manage. It's just great. Congratulations.

I remember back when I was new here there was a very cool guy with the screen name "DannyT". He was into meditation and was full of very calming and reflective ideas. One day he announced that he was leaving the site. He had recovered to the point that he didn't need this place anymore. I felt bad because I liked his posts, but then I thought wait a minute, he has recovered! He can actually make it. In the state I was in at the time that insight did not come to me until after he had left, so I never got to tell him.

So Rik, I look forward to the day you feel you can leave. If I ever get to that point I think I would come back to say hi from time to time, but maybe what we need to do is just move on. As Mikey says: "Live the life we were meant to live".

I wish you all the best in this quest. You have been a real inspiration, not just in the trial aspect of things, but in so many other ways as well.

Take care,

I remember when you were still vaguely new, as I had only been here about five months or so when you joined. Your progress has been phenomenal, and truly, I greatly admire your strength and positivity. Thank you, my friend, for sharing so much with us, and for supporting so many others here! :)
