Ditto with Bob, I would never have thot you weren't a survivor. From what I've read on the boards & in your writing, you have a deep understanding of and a working compassion with us survivors.
BTW I just carefully re-read your article on Disclosure & Confrontation, and picked up a lot of good ideas & reaffirmations for the process of disclosure I've begun. Thanks.
Again ditto with Bob, I would value your opinions & participation on any board any time you think is appropriate as someone who has put in years of hard research and valuable work with survivors.
Its also good to know that as a worker with survivors as well as a member of the Board, you
are reading the posts, helping to keep up with & keep track of us.
Ken I read but didn't really involve myself in the discussions about the member/guest split, maybe becuz I felt too new or just felt I add nothing to add at the time.
But for what its worth I affirm it was & is the right decision. One I've seen work on several other recovery sites, as a guest, a member, and even a moderator.
I think it gives any male survivor (or family member/friend) every chance to come here to learn, vent, build mutual trust, find any help needed, and grow toward membership while giving good incentives for so doing--on a well monitored & well moderated safe site.
I think it gives members the added safety they need as they begin to want to open up more, become more involved, and like me start the process of disclosure. We also have an increased investment and ownership, the sense & the reality of which I already value far beyond the $35 I invested in membership.
After all, the members only area is a place "where everybody knows my name!"
P.S.--Its been many years, but I briefly lived near enuf to Lambertville NJ that I spent a little time there. My fibrofogged memory fails me as to whether I'm thinking of the right people or not, but I know we had some friends from Lambertville we may have visited there, in the mid-80's I think. My wife grew up in S Jersey.