What's good about you?

What's good about you?


I think that a large factor in our recovery is how we perceive ourselves, since that perception also taints how we think others perceive us. In other words, we were made to feel like trash, so we think we're trash, so we think others think we're trash.

Something that helped me overcome that false perception of myself during therapy, was my therapist pointing out a lot of the positive things in my life that are a result of me. Basically, showing me how to see the worth in myself.

So, with that said, I think it's helpful to emphasize the positive things about ourselves, both now and during our past. So here's some of mine, and I'd like to ask everyone who wants to, to please add yours here as well. Even if it's just one, which would be that you've begun to look at the abuse to start to understand it. That's an enormous one in itself.

* After 31 years of suppression, finally told someone (my wife) about the sexual, physical, and emotional abuse I grew up in.
* Realized I could not defeat this on my own and that I needed professional help, and sought out a therapist to begin dealing with it.
* I broke the cycle of abuse. I did not abuse others, like I had been.
* After I moved out of my father's house at 18, I never asked my parents for anything ever again. I was hungry a lot of the time, but I made it.
* I succeeded in my career and made my own way, putting myself through college.
* I have a wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters, and I tell them I love them every day, several times a day.

I hope others will post here as well, there's so many GOOD things about us, men. So, so many. So step up to the soapbox, and tell us: what's good about you?

You are so very right. We all need to acknowledge the positives in our selves. Often! Personally, I find it hard to publically pat my self on the back. I may be a pompous, pontificating, self-righteous, arrogant, ill-mannered old fart, still I dont like to brag.

I am grateful for the wisdom that has been granted to me to know that we should always pick our noses BEFORE we scratch our butts. I may not have a lot of common sense to start with, but I learn quickly.

Having seen some of the uglier visions that life has to offer, I have retained the ability to create beauty and imbue it with meaning.

I can freely admit when I am wrong and am learning that I am not wrong nearly as often as I am told.

I continue to grow in many directions. (The doctor keeps warning me about that...)

I spend more time helping others than I do hurting myself.

I dont act out while driving.

You can see that I am reaching here. It is hard to see the good in ourselves. Maybe if we had more practice...

recovering from SA I have realized that it has gifted me several things...
Firstly it has made me more human than any thing, as I am beginning to understand my own pain, I am beginning to understand others.

As pain had increased my capacity to love, I can love easily and more.

I get touched easily and in return I can touch deeper and more.

I cherish my moments of happiness more, and people in life who bring them...

Above all it has taught me to become my own reason for happiness. Be my own saviour, messiah...

It has taught me to take greater responsibility of my life, my emotions and my choice.

As I am beginning to make peace with universe and my self...I am finding greater peace as a gift. I hope it is adding to the peace deposit in collective consciousness.

More as I gather it...


Thank you for this oopportunity...
...finally sold someone (my wife) :confused:
(I'm just teasing don't be angry. I do that all the time which is why you see so many edits on my posts :D It took me 33 years before I began to work on my issues.)

I am learning to have compassion for everyone, including those who are ... difficult to find compassion for.

See, I had to edit!
Originally posted by Morning Star:
recovering from SA I have realized that it has gifted me several things...
Firstly it has made me more human than any thing, as I am beginning to understand my own pain, I am beginning to understand others.

As pain had increased my capacity to love, I can love easily and more.

I get touched easily and in return I can touch deeper and more.

I cherish my moments of happiness more, and people in life who bring them...

Above all it has taught me to become my own reason for happiness. Be my own saviour, messiah...

It has taught me to take greater responsibility of my life, my emotions and my choice.

As I am beginning to make peace with universe and my self...I am finding greater peace as a gift. I hope it is adding to the peace deposit in collective consciousness.

More as I gather it...


Thank you for this oopportunity...
That was beautiful...
My SA has taught me to be more compassionate with others now I need to be compassionate to myself.
Originally posted by Roland:
...finally sold someone (my wife) :confused:
(I'm just teasing don't be angry. I do that all the time which is why you see so many edits on my posts
Wow, that gives it a totally different meaning, doesn't it? :eek: :p Thank goodness for the Edit button!
Thanks guys, I really needed to smile.