What would you ask a perpetrator (possible trigger)?

What would you ask a perpetrator (possible trigger)?
Between me and my best friend we know you abused about 20% of the Scout troop. How many more were there? Did you ever see us as we really were - boys just having fun together and learning life skills along the way?
How could you possibly think it was normal behaviour to have sex with your own child?
I recently wrote a letter to the present pastor of the church disclosing what you did to me and others. What do you think of that?
What do you think about as you lay helpless in you nursing home bed? Do you ever wish you hadn't done it?
Well now. The old me (Blacken) would ask...."Is it actually hot in Hell?" or some other sarcastic Q. But being a "free man" now, I'd want to know just how he decended into his behaviors. The thinking process going on there.
Given of course there was some way to know he had to speak the truth.
You used to terrify and humiliate me just to keep things going and get a bigger thrill. But last February I had so gotten past that fear that I was able to come to your grave and burn a letter denouncing you over your headstone. How you like them apples?
I was thinking about how God works, and the theory that a black hole the size of a pin head weighs the weight of the mass that it sucks in.

In keeping with that theory, then it must also reflect the millstone of the lives of all who suffered your perversions.

The one that will hang from your neck for all eternity, and now I am in control as you suffer in HELL.

Was it worth taking mine and others innocence for the price to ultimately pay,

Now that everyone knows what you did, do you still get a thrill from it, or, are you frightened of where the next kick may come from?

I wear UK size 11!