What other Sites do you use?

What other Sites do you use?


This site has been a saving Grace for me. I have seen some others out there as well, but nothing like the brothership, safety, support, friendship here! I am curious, do you have other support sites that you visit? Articles? Advice? Local groups?

I have seen these. Does anyone want to add to this list?????

Please and thanks!



Abuse Survivor Support
Adult Survivors of CHild Abuse
Survivors of Incest Anonymus
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
I don't specifically use any other sites. I do research and read articles and other things on sites for both men and women concerning all types of abuse. There are many similarities in the effects of all types of abuse for both genders and people of any sexuality. I have also found misinformation in many places. Sometimes it can be upsetting when it pertains toward men and the issues that all of us here face.
I started out at another site, primarily women, and found this one on a link from there. I don't go there any more. There are some groups at Yahoo that I have checked also. But I would post something there and no one respond for 3 days. Anyway, the one other site I have been to, but not any more, is 'www.soc-um.org/survivors'. It is nice enough, but as I say, mostly women.

I have been to a couple other sites, but really only participate anything close to full time here. I read a lot of articles from www.sidran.org and www.issd.org, as well as the articles here. I used to read the alt.support.dissociation newsgroup, too.


i like webmd. the board there is co-ed, and i find sometimes the women can offer me insight into my wife that men can't. i value both this sight and that one. i'm phoster on both.
I go to christianforums.com and some of the stuff relates indirectly to my abuse. More so to building healthy relationships and building a side of me I have long neglected. I think something those of us who have dealt with the darkness for so long need to do is to learn there is light out there. Yes we need to deal with the darkness laid upon us, but we also need to learn to walk in the light. I see it as the other side of the coin to this website. I focus there on forums about things I wish to have right in my life.