What it is trigger mechanism?

What it is trigger mechanism?


I have made so that it has explained to me, what name ' the trigger mechanism '? It has something to force you to feel like excellent(different), to feel, that it is bad or afraid. I was ill yesterday, I feel it today the some people, it - not something such bad. But I feel, that something is strange with it. I feel similarly to with to be ill, I also am afraid from something, but there is no that - нибудь from which I should be afraid right now. It something of it? It is possible to tell ' the trigger mechanism ', for to be ill right now? I try to make all yesterday, today, as is normal, my sister still - here while she(it) does go tomorrow. I know, that I shall long then so it will be possible to feel like worse. I am not confident, that I understand what it feels what you will make of strange feelings? I can speak later with the friend. Only it - the disorder (confusion) to me now. Thanks.

VN. A trigger mechanism is something that causes you to feel like you are that abused person again. It brings on all the guilt and shame that was never ours. It can be a smell, a picture or a word from somebody. It has to do with your abuse and is generally so strong that it literally yanks you back and causes pain.

For me it has always been the smell of mens cologne. The smell can paralyze me. It has also happens when I see a man who looks sinister and dangerous.

It can have many effects. It can make you sick, sleepless, afraid, angry, demanding and crazy. It can over time also affect your health.

We have to identify them and then realize what they are and work at making them harmless

It is almost like a light switch in your brain.

Mikey explained this great!

Places (oceanside campgrounds) can trigger my memories of abuse.

Certain songs will come on the radio that will take me back to my times of abuse.

Certain models of cars used to trigger me, but I'm so damn old now until very few AMC Ambassadors are still around.

At Male Survivor, many times other guys' stories will trigger memories in us, thus the "trigger" warnings that you will see at times by our posts.

You may also feel bad because you know that your sister is leaving. She knows somewhat of your abuse now, and you are more comfortable with her, and will miss her.

Talk to the guys there at home when you can. They can explain it you in Russian. It may make more sense then.
VN sometimes you can be triggered without really knowing why. Sometimes it can turn into a panic attack.
Crowds can trigger me, and someimes being outside at night time.
It does get easier over time.
Andrei can explain to you,
