what does it offer....?

what does it offer....?
Hi everone,

i was just wondering if there could be a therepist on chat sometimes, or through email or PM's.

Also, what does the member forums contain and is there profesional feedback.

There are several T's in the membership of MS, some of whom do post on the boards sometimes. Don't know whether any of them go to chats or not.
Might not hurt to ask one or more of them if they would be willing to do the kind of thing you are asking about. You can look their names up in the "Professionals" area off the MS main page.

The T's here do tend to post more in the members forums, which contain among others a board for only for members who are male survivors and another board for all MS members, which includes some T's & other professionals who are members but are not male survivors of SA.

Logan the members forums are helpful to many becuz
the professionals and others here who join them do feel more free to talk about certain things in the members forums, becuz they are intended to stay there.

By the nature of the members forums they do tend to make those of us who post there feel safer and more free to open up about different things.

BTW brother if you're thinking about becoming a member hold that thot. IMHO that's a good idea!


Hello Logan,

It is good to hear from you.

Victor gives a good overview of the member boards. But, I know that you are a young man in college and have huge expenses. So, you might want to become a member through doing some work for us. I think that there are several things that we have wanted to get done and don't have the time to do.

With your young energy, and I imagine good knowledge of the computers, you might be able to get a job from us in exchange for membership. We don't have that formally set up yet. But I can do some looking around and see if we can work something out.

The main reason for people being in the member boards is that question of privacy. We know who the members are, we do not know who non members are.

Logan, check your pm for a message.
