What are you really looking.for? (Possiable Triger)

What are you really looking.for? (Possiable Triger)

Nathan LaChine

Staff member
The men on this board that are looking for justice from the legal system what are you really hoping to get? I mean other then maybe getting money to pay for your healing. Do you really think that maybe getting justice through the court system will make you feel better? Do you really feel that the court system can really give you the justice that you are seeking?

What I mean is that I feel justice can only come from the victim and since the court system cannot do the justice that I sure want. If a perp is brough to justice and gets a slap on the wrist would that really make you feel that you got justice?

lots of love, Nathan
The men on this board that are looking for justice from the legal system what are you really hoping to get?
Nathan, you sure do have a knack for asking some very pointed & powerful questions, lil' wolf bro.

I mean other then maybe getting money to pay for your healing.
Nathan, I'm not yet looking for justice from the legal system. But money to pay for all the therapy
meds etc would sure be a good start. At least.

Do you really think that maybe getting justice through the court system will make you feel better?
Actually, yes. If I could actually get justice thru the court system. Or even just put a good scare into my perps maybe.

Do you really feel that the court system can really give you the justice that you are seeking?
Who knows; it depends on the situation, what judge
& jury you get, what mood they're in, what time of the year it is, etc etc yadda yadda.
No I would not be overly optimistic about this, especially in my particular situation. But that doesn't mean trying wouldn't be worth it.

What I mean is that I feel justice can only come from the victim and since the court system cannot do the justice that I sure want.
You are right wolf pup. My justice & vindication
can come only from myself. That means it does not
depend on what does or doesn't happen to my perps
or what the legal system does or doesn't do. Otherwise my perps would have control over me even in my pursuit of justice. No damned way!
Nathan the court cannot do the justice I would want ideally either. Believe me...

If a perp is brough to justice and gets a slap on the wrist would that really make you feel that you got justice?
Well it could really piss me off or I could just say ok at least I tried and didn't let my perps control & dictate things to me in this and at least their wrist is smarting! My justice still comes not from them or the court but from me!
Young wolf bro, thanks for asking the tough & thot-provoking questions. You da wolf!


At this point the only reason I would consider taking legal action would be if I thought I could protect someone else. I have no desire to parade my past out in the public record, but I think I may be able to do so in an effort to stop one perp.

I don't believe in justice, and certainly not in Justice, on earth. Legality, or even irony, at best, but not justice.

Look at the replies to Muldoon's questions about what was stolen from us:

Look at any posts in the Survivor Stories forum.

No earthly court can undo that. No human official can restore a childhood to any of us.

I better stop now. I feel bitterness coming on. :mad:


Great topic for me today. Very powerful indeed

The man who originally molested me died last November---so, his body is laying in a hole in the ground and I would think his soul in hell is tormented by the damage he wrought on so many like me.
Meanwhile, I'm alive and growing; becoming stronger and finding more love and support than I have ever had in my life---more love and support than most "normal" people (the unmolested) get.

This man's death did not bring me the release--the "justice" I thought I wanted. But it did bring me to the realization that my freedom truly did not depend on whether he lived or died, heaven or hell.

That's the real bitch of the deal--now it turns out that I am responsible for my recovery from the effects of the sexual abuse. So now when I can remember, I am able to focus on the part I am playing in the ongoing process of recovering my own life. That brings me a lot of freedom, which is really more what I wanted.

As a friend of mine says, "Danny, you're not on the results committee. You're on the do the footwork, change the things you can committee along with God and all the people who love and support you. Listen to their voices. See their faces and the light that comes through them."

I am considering some disclosure to the religious authorities in my faith regarding the abuse this sick man inflicted on me. Not to punish him (Ok I do want to punish him!! and defame his 'good name' and tell all what a fake sick bastard he really was), but more than that to do what I feel is right and proper for me--to be true to myself. That's a lot harder for me than obtaining criminal justice at this point. This is just for me right now, today. I am so proud of all the survivors who have brought the lawsuits, fought the good fight, and refused to let the elephant in the living room live rent free any longer. So much courage. The human spirit at its most resilient.

What a great discussion for me. Thanks Nathan for the subject. Hits me right where I live.

I'm still trying to process all the anger and hurt and misery...and it hurts like hell, as you all know. I am learning how to love again--loving well is the best justice.

I have wrestled with this idea of exposure and public humiliation of my abuser for the last three years--and I have moved through much of the damage I suffered. That's what is important to me today......not whether that son of a bitch gets what he deserves. I want to make sure that I get what I deserve, my birthright, to live and love freely.

I'll step off of my soap box now, guys.
You all really inspire me to think heroically of myself.
Nathan good ????? My PERP is BURNING in HELL since 1965. 4 years after he Abused me. In the local paper the week he died it said
Father Ryan beloved by all goes to heaven .
Ya right ,how few realy knew what a evil man he was.I wanted to make sure that before I left plant earth that the truth be know. I confronted the church in May 2002 and asked that they reach out to his other victims
Last Nov 14th the parish had a meeting to open up to all of Victims of Father Ryan and to let the church members know the facts about Father. It was a super big skock to the older member of the church to hear that Father Ryan and his partner in crime Father Feragson had abused altar boys from 1946-1965. At that meeting about 12 men came forward to begin there healing. At 52 I was one of the youngest victim there, most where in their late 50,s and early 60,s.
That was truly an uplefting experence for me. I felt some Justice that day. The truth was finnaly known.

The work I do now at the Capital is for the Victims of today and the futrue. We have to have strong laws so that the Perps know that Sociaty no longer will let them get away with their evil. I realy think that we can force this issue into the front page of Public Opinion. Once Sociaty is Educated they will stand with us to help protect all VICTIMS. Muldoon
Yup, that's it.

What can I say?

There is no other way to put it.

You guys are HEROES of mine.

Whether you expose your perp or not, you've already done the heroic work.

I always go right for murder.

You might say that I have an anger management problem.

I'm working on that.

In the form of a book.

No, I'm not using any of the priviledged conversation or postings here--unlike some of our priestly brothers, I consider our words sacrosanct, and would never use any of them without permission--I've got more than enough information and direct quotations from the scandals happening here, in Oreogn.

Thank you for your strength and courage, you do us all proud.

I believe that us survivors need to be able to procecute our victims if we feel it will help us in some way. Laws in many states protect these perpretators so that they can continue going out and abuse others. One of my abusers went from boy to boy to boy and and for all I know He may be out there still. I don't want to pursue him ( I never want to see him again) but some one else may. They have to have that right. If it will give them a feeling of justice they should be able to get some. It should be their right to put a stop to these terrible acts.