Weight and Why
The Seeker
I started back on recovery because I read a Dr. Phil book on weight my wife gave me. Suddenly, it what appeared to be huge letters, it said that people often eat to compensate for early life trauma such as abuse. The world spun out of control that day, and I ended up here. I have never cut myself, but I used to punch myself in the leg all the time as kid. Hope you are doing better. It sounds like it. Thanks for the comment.
I started back on recovery because I read a Dr. Phil book on weight my wife gave me. Suddenly, it what appeared to be huge letters, it said that people often eat to compensate for early life trauma such as abuse. The world spun out of control that day, and I ended up here. I have never cut myself, but I used to punch myself in the leg all the time as kid. Hope you are doing better. It sounds like it. Thanks for the comment.