Watch out!
I dont fear the potential predators lurking on this web site. But some of the regulars scare the hell out of me. The abusiveness which is allowed and protections afforded to certain dominate members renders the point of this site moot. Brotherly love turns so quickly to vicious vindictive.
You did a good job of driving me away (for the most part) but you fail to give what you offer. Your open acceptance and brotherly love is a sham. Any well meaning, kind hearted person who comes here looking to get and give help is most likely to be treated to a devastating assault by lions, tigers and bears. Oh My! Once I figured out that you were not interested in what I had to say, did not care about what I thought, and were hostile toward my feelings,
Well, that is just one mans experience. Some of you will likely fair better. But dont be fooled by superficial kindness or manipulative good will. Not all of the abusers are lurking in the background. Some of them are waiting for you with open arms and hardy welcomes.
There are some good guys here. Just pay attention to who is doing what. The loudest voice isnt always the kindest.
You did a good job of driving me away (for the most part) but you fail to give what you offer. Your open acceptance and brotherly love is a sham. Any well meaning, kind hearted person who comes here looking to get and give help is most likely to be treated to a devastating assault by lions, tigers and bears. Oh My! Once I figured out that you were not interested in what I had to say, did not care about what I thought, and were hostile toward my feelings,
Well, that is just one mans experience. Some of you will likely fair better. But dont be fooled by superficial kindness or manipulative good will. Not all of the abusers are lurking in the background. Some of them are waiting for you with open arms and hardy welcomes.
There are some good guys here. Just pay attention to who is doing what. The loudest voice isnt always the kindest.