Very anxious leading to more fear

Very anxious leading to more fear


I had an EKG while I was in the hospital last month, and it showed what could be some abnormalities in my heartbeat, but one doc says it was ok, but now they ordered a stress test this afternoon and I am so anxious and scared about it. I don't want anything to be wrong with my heart,I don't even want to do this test but I have no choice and it just is making me so anxious which is leading to een more fear. I can't stand this fear anymore, at times fear gets so extreme it is debilitating.

I don't know why, but having this test today really is bringing up some bad memories and I can't stop them, they are overwhelming me all at once, I hate this fear and these memories. I am a prisoner without bars, I am a prisoner of my own mind and my own fear, and that frightens me even more. I just wis these tests didn't remind me so much of the abuse and stuff I suffered, then it would be easier.

Sounds trite Scott but we fear the unknown more than anything else. If one doctor told you it was no big deal then it is until proven otherwise ok. I too have an abnormality. I have an extra beat once in a while. Scared the bejusus out of me. But it turned out after a stress test that that was all it was. All that worrying for nothing.

Now Scott just try and relax. All they are doing is confirming that your heart is healthy. Nothing more.
Brother Scott,

We are all, every one of us, subjected to fear. I'm fighting it now, and I've had to make a very hard decision - let the fear imprison me, or choose to live on.

It's hard to keep up with every day stuff. I've been told I'm a miserable b*****d to be around, but consider the alternative: let the b******s win and be as helpless as they made me feel for the rest of my life? No G*****N WAY!

It will be the same with you, Scott. Feel the fear. It's legitimate and well earned, and go forth. Do it anyway because you've shown me the kind of guy you are, and that guy is a good, functional, brave man.

Peace and love,

I get panic and anxiety attacks, and they can 'feel' like heart trouble. ( Am I right in thinking that the heart does actually race during an attack ? )
Maybe this is what's happening ?

But whatever it is listen to a doctor, I fix sewage pumps - what do I know ? ;)

This link is to a good looking resource for those of us that suffer from panic and anxiety attacks. It's a UK based site but the info' looks good. I only just discovered it and haven't had a chance to test drive the advice yet.


No need to fear the test, although it is the results I suspect is the root of the anxiety. I have taken the stress test many times, and will many more. I had my first at 12, and have had them fairly regularly since. No doctor after listening to my heart will pass me on a physical, so each time I have a physical with a new doctor I get a stress test. Everytime I have any type of surgery, no matter how minor, I get a new EKG. I always pass in the end.

Here are some tips to help contol panic (closely related) attacks from the Survivors (Sheffield) Male Survivors self help pack.
> Breathe slowly and deeply. This is especially important. Shallow fast breathing causes a lot of unpleasant sensations.
> Try to control your thoughts. Think up something reassuring you can say to yourself. such as: I'm safe. This will soon be over. I will be ok.
> Do something that can jolt you out of the panic. This is something you will need to experiment with; such as doing the dishes or listening to music. Anything is OK as long as it does not hurt yourself or others.
> If you panic in a public place, stay as long as you are not in danger. Breathe and reassure yourself. If you leave it will be difficult to come back to that place.

I wish you the best,
scott - if you can - tell 'em these kinds of tests freak you out - or try breathing slow -
when you start to freak out - sounds weird but it can help - them knowing you freak out also makes them aware not to give an "off" diagonosis -

i have a heart murmur but this may have been diagnosed because i was very stressed - last time i went - yesterday - i breathed deeply and calmed a little - also found the new doc to be pleasant
that helped me relax me - him being nice to be around - breathing - it wasn't perfect but
strangely he could not find the murmur - weird hunh?? i guess there are issues of anxious ness

anyway maybe there can be a lot of factors to your concern -??
maybe if you tell the docs - that is if you like 'em - that they are weirding you out -
try and breath calm -
hope this helps-
