
VeggieTales' web-site has some good activities/stories for kids. But, this one: sends the wrong message. The third frame of Queasy Rider says, "... God wants you to obey, remember?" Muldoon's post My Story at St. Stans {Tiggers] really points out the inappropiateness of this one frame.
I noticed there was no way to contact them (or at least I couldn't find it) I was going to email them the link to 'My Story at St. Stans'

I guess they only want they're own opinions and no one else's. (VeggieTales) contact info:
Here's what I sent them:

Your "Queasy Rider" story in the VeggieTale stories section ( contains the line, in the third frame, "God wants you to obey, remember?" This is a line used by pedophile priests to force children to 'obey because God wants them to'.

Please read the following post on about a priest that did just that.;f=1;t=003724#000011

God wants all his children to be good people, to behave, and to follow the teachings of Christ. Not obey blindly in his name. That they should question immoral, unhealthy pressures.

This line should be changed to one that follows just that, to live a good and clean life and to be safe in doing that.

The affects of sexual abuse are real and devastating. Unfortunately, I know this from personal experience. Information on the affects and myths of sexual abuse are available on the homepage.

"God wts you to obey?" Do they think they are powerful enough to talk for God? It seems desperate to drag God into trivial disagreements!
Thanks Bill, I couldn't have said it that well. I struggled a while to come up with something but it always sounded a little too angry. You were right on.

Thanks for the contact info. I didn't see it yesterday. I sent a message, too, and I hope as many guys who can will do so.
Good day,

I admire the work that you do and the Veggie Tales products. I am writing to express my concern surrounding the line "God wants you to obey" in the Queasy Rider story.

I believe you have already heard from some people about this line. Invoking God's name is an all too common tactic used by pedophiles when they assault chldren.

As part of our efforts to educate children we ought to encourage them to recognize good vs. bad behavior. Proper respect for legitimate authority is important, but the need to recognize the difference between what they should accept and what they should not is a greater concern. It is important that we not stifle any child's own innate sense of right and wrong.

I hope you would not dismiss these concerns as those of a vocal minority. Experience is the best teacher, but there are things we would prefer our children not have to learn through experience.


"God wants you to obey."


I'm glad you wrote them. I'm going to do that myself because those words are very dangerous in the wrong hands. Anything that demands unquestioning obedience is wrong, even if God's name is invoked.

Thank you for pointing this out.

Peace and love,

Still no response from them beyond their automatic response that they got the e-mail and will look into it. I sent them off a reminder.

They may "forget" about it; but I won't.


I hate that guilt trip being put on kids.

Keep writing. I hope they answer you.

Peace my brother,

Nice work guys, let's hope they see the light.


I don't like hearing 'God wants you to' do anything. I think people who believe in God who are decent people with conscience will know what he wants us to do. But don't use 'God' as way to get people to behave you. That is wrong.

I must respectfully disagree with most of the other posts. While it is true that abuser have misused the word of God in many ways, it is also true that God does want children to obey their parents. For their parts parents are called on to raise thier children up right and to provide them with healthy role models for their lives.

Any scumbag can use the word of God wrongly. Even the Devil himself can quote scripture. Does not change the fact that the word of God is His word.

I think it's "Honor thy parents." If a parent told a child to do something the child knew was wrong, would God want the child to obey? I hope not, because I'm trying to raise my kids to know right from wrong, not simply to obey me or their mother.

The parent-child bond is a relationship. It goes both ways. Parents must respect and honor children, too. From what I've read, God is quite fond of children and wants them to be safe.

So I do agree with the general idea that Veggie Tales wants to convey. I just think they chose their words poorly.



God wants all his children to be good people, to behave, and to follow the teachings of Christ. Not obey blindly in his name. That they should question immoral, unhealthy pressures.
or to blindly obey their parents. The story as worded says just that, do it because you have been told to and God wants you to obey. Replace clean your room with have sex with that guy, would God still want the child to obey?

I find the VeggieTales to be great stories and wholesome entertainment. But they also need to see what they are telling our children. I am there with my son reading this with him and talking with him about the story we he read or watched. So many kids just get parked there. Who is there for them?


I got an e-mail response from BigIdea, the makers of VeggieTales, today. Here it is:

Big Idea is a family media company with a Christian worldview. All of
our stories do work hard to teach kids a value and reflect a Christian

God is at the heart of what we're talking about.

Customer Service
Big Idea, Inc.
What that . . . ? What did they say?

Wow, Bill. Sounds like they were telling you to take a hike. :mad: As a Christian myself, that kind of ticks me off as well. :mad: Sounds like some low-level office peon who didn't really know what to say (and proved it by not saying anything!).