Varieties Of Religious Experieince
I have a question about strange body experiences. I'm posting cos I just had one that I haven't had in years. I was trying to relax on my back after having a good chat in the chatroom here and also a good cry.
Now I usually have a lot of trouble relaxing, the main problem being I can't. When I try to relax things tense up like my throat or my back and they go into spasms, the deeper I relax, like I'm wretching. Once it happened so bad my body threw itself off the bed and onto the floor before I knew what had happened and I was on all fours gasping for air because my throat had closed off in reflex and cut off my air.
Anyway, this time, just a few minutes ago I managed to relax a little by telling myself not to think about the tension in my throat and other places, and for once it worked and I actually started to relax... and then it happened.
My arms and hands felt like they were gripping a jackhammer, they were buzzing like crazy, like electricity was surging through them. As it dies down over about 5 minutes it began to feel more like really intense 'pins and needles' and then it died away.
I thought maybe it was cos I started to relax my throat and got a major dose of oxygen into my blood. I haven't had this feeling since I was religious, more than 8 years ago. During our meetings a lot of things would happen, you'd feel a lot of weird things and we simply ascribed those things spiritual bases.
Can anyone relate to this feeling, and also to other feelings. Because I am expecting more now. I had out of body experiences and blackouts when I was a child and they were very frightening, not the comforting kind people sometimes refer to rather obliquely with imaginary fields and places of solace. My out of body experiences were violent and gut wrenching and I'd feel sucked back into my body at the moment I was about to vomit. And when I blacked out, at least once I was airlifted to the hospital in a coma and was out for several days. I lost the power of speech and had minor amnesia for a few weeks following.
Of course the tests all showed up negative and it was palmed off as a freak thing I'd probably grow out of, like the astham that nearly killed me in my teens, the eczma which is actually starting to subside, or the coeliac disease which I expect I'll be stuck with.
So, to be honest I'm a little scared of what my body has in store. Imaginary jackhammers and oxygen rushes are one thing, but the other stuff I may be suppressing scares the living shit out of me.
Now I usually have a lot of trouble relaxing, the main problem being I can't. When I try to relax things tense up like my throat or my back and they go into spasms, the deeper I relax, like I'm wretching. Once it happened so bad my body threw itself off the bed and onto the floor before I knew what had happened and I was on all fours gasping for air because my throat had closed off in reflex and cut off my air.
Anyway, this time, just a few minutes ago I managed to relax a little by telling myself not to think about the tension in my throat and other places, and for once it worked and I actually started to relax... and then it happened.
My arms and hands felt like they were gripping a jackhammer, they were buzzing like crazy, like electricity was surging through them. As it dies down over about 5 minutes it began to feel more like really intense 'pins and needles' and then it died away.
I thought maybe it was cos I started to relax my throat and got a major dose of oxygen into my blood. I haven't had this feeling since I was religious, more than 8 years ago. During our meetings a lot of things would happen, you'd feel a lot of weird things and we simply ascribed those things spiritual bases.
Can anyone relate to this feeling, and also to other feelings. Because I am expecting more now. I had out of body experiences and blackouts when I was a child and they were very frightening, not the comforting kind people sometimes refer to rather obliquely with imaginary fields and places of solace. My out of body experiences were violent and gut wrenching and I'd feel sucked back into my body at the moment I was about to vomit. And when I blacked out, at least once I was airlifted to the hospital in a coma and was out for several days. I lost the power of speech and had minor amnesia for a few weeks following.
Of course the tests all showed up negative and it was palmed off as a freak thing I'd probably grow out of, like the astham that nearly killed me in my teens, the eczma which is actually starting to subside, or the coeliac disease which I expect I'll be stuck with.
So, to be honest I'm a little scared of what my body has in store. Imaginary jackhammers and oxygen rushes are one thing, but the other stuff I may be suppressing scares the living shit out of me.