VA. Sex Offenders in My Neighborhood

VA. Sex Offenders in My Neighborhood


I just checked out the list in my neighborhood and found a woman who lives right around the corner.
It sttes on the website that it is illegal to harass said offenders under penalty of law.
What about the harrassment that was accorded the children? I think they should be reminded on a daily basis what they did.
Soetimes I wish I was the vigilante type like the Punisher. I coud hav me so much fun.
You could also concentrate on healing and having a good life. Someone said, "Success is the best revenge."
I don't suppose there's many people who haven't see "Death Wish" - the old Michael Winner movie about vigilante revenge.

And I know I sometimes day-dream about being Charles Bronson and avenging those who abused me, but I'm "Dave", that's reality. But it's still a nice thought sometimes

'Only Dave' and 'Only Rik' are a hell of a lot more functional, strong, and socially acceptable then Charles Bronson any day! ;)

But yes, it is a shame that 'they' (perpetrators) seem to get more advantages in life then their victims. But there are times when I sense they do get what they deserve. Like every morning that they have to wake up and KNOW what they did to an innocent child. I don't have to face that, and never will.
