


Hey Guys:

Haven't been around much latly but I will give you an update on my life.

I continue to do group therpy and will tell my story tonight, I know it will be hard to do but at the sametime it will be good to have my voice heard.

I have started a new job as a youth care worker working with at risk youth, it is a great job. I work 8 hours shifts an am able to come home every night which is sweet.

My realtionship with my boyfriend just seems to get stronger and stronger as the days go by.As I deal with issue things seem to work themselves out.

I hope to be able to come here more often now that things have settled abit. Thanks to all you have help me the past little while.
God Bless

Sounds like you're reaping some benefits of the work you've done so far. That's always good to hear. You deserve all those good things.

Good luck with the group therapy session. I hope it turns into another milestone in healing for you.



Thanks for the update Gus. Look forward to talking with you again. When your ready.

It sounds like the ducks of life are getting in a row. That's fabulous.

Take care,
Glad things are going well for you, Gus. Remember these times when the struggles come through.

Good luck working with kids, I know it can be a very tough job. It is not only doing the normal care duties, but also helping fix the pieces of them that are broken. Just do your best and realize that though you may not be able to save them all, even helping one makes it worth it.