"Unworthiness" - may trigger?
In Larry's post "Creating Safety II" there was a line that really hit home hard with me - and I did not want to sidetrack Larry's post so I PM'd him back on it - and we both agreed that it would make a good topic for here - so I am bringing it to here... - I hope that this can somehow be of help to others here and I welcome anyones ideas/feedback...
Hi Larry - I just read your post "Creating Safety II" - you have a very good way with words -you are a very insightfull person - so much of what you say rings so very true with me - and you put it into words so much better than I ever could...
I do not want to sidetrack your post (is why I PM'd instead of replying to it)(perhaps I should of started a new post?) - but your T's question at the end of the post speaks very heavily to me... - and I just wanted to explain why... - as it's something that my old T could never understand - and I believe that if anyone can - you might be able to understand...
As my T put it to me one day: "Larry, can you imagine such a thing as a worthless child?"
as sad as it is - Yes - I can imagine such a thing as a worthless child - I was that child... - the second unplanned child to a couple that was struggling just to keep a roof over their heads and barely any food on the table - I was a burdon that they simply were not ready for... - for as far back as my memory goes I can remember my mothers neverending calling me "a worthless child" (if you've never read my story - it explains a lot more)
I am no longer a child - the grains of time keep flowing on and I am now a man (whether I like it or not) - it is a daily struggle for me to try to become more than that legacy of "the worthless child" that I was raised as - I fight to rise above the worthlessness in an atempt to prove to my mother that she was wrong all along about me - that I am more than she raised me to be... - I can be a mighty stubborn man sometimes - and I'm not going to let her win in my life if there is anything that I can do about it!
I hate to admit it - even to myself - but the feelings of "worthlessness" have really been creeping back in this last year (many reasons - loss of job - bankrupcy a short while back - genetic health problem that will never go away - tons more of 'little things')
I guess my real question here is how does one get themselves out of this feeling of 'worthlessness'? - I try to look at all the good things I do (I volunteer with a youth group and at my local church) and yet somehow it still seems overweighed with the negatives in my life - is there a way out of this???
Thanks for any insight you can give me,
TJ jeff