Unsure how to get started

Unsure how to get started

Craig Mat

Hi everyone, I'm just new to this site and not sure how to get started. I've tried to no eval to get on a chat room I've tried to contact the site through the CONTACT US again to no aval. Please don't get me wrong I'm a male survivor and have so many questions I don't know where or how to start. I don't want to talk to someone else I don't think they would understand. I don't trust posting on the open forum but I can't get into member forum( I paid for the membership $35). I hope someone will advise.

Thank you
welcome to MS, I'll see that a Chat Mod looks into getting you some help to get into chat, it's no use asking me - it's a mystery to me for a start, and the time difference means everyone's asleep when I go there.
I'll also see about getting onto the Members Forums, they are private in as much as only MS members can go there.

But these public forums do have some good discussions, as you've probably seen already.
And whichever of MS's services you use you'll find some great support and advice.

We look forward to getting to know you.

Hi Craig - Seems to me you already did get started.
- You are here, glad you found us.
- You have, no doubt, been reading posts from your fellow survivors and learning that you are not alone in your suffering anymore.
- You have posted and asked for help.
- You not only registered but paid the membership.

You have more than started!! Welcome. As Dave says above, there is definitely a benefit to posting on the public forum. That's pretty much where I stay most of the time. The men here have a lot to offer, by sharing, by listening, by caring. I hope you get the answers to your specific questions quickly so that you have a good level of comfort. In the meantime, find your way around, post if you feel you can, PM me if I can be of help. We're all traveling the same road, at different paces, with different starting and ending points, nevertheless, it is the same road. I wish you peace in your journey. - John