


Last night i made a decion not to do a pisce of Course work, for one of my Units. Everyone was pissed off at me for quiting, and not trying hard enought, not putting enought time into it. But thats not how i saw it. After I had desiced that I had, had enough and pushed all the papers off my deck on to the floor, I felt gr8. But I also felt like i had thrown the last 2 years of my life down the toilet. But Now after I'v had the chance to sleep on it, I know it was the right deicion to make. Who needs all the stress and the hair pulling out, and time spent on a pisce of work that you dont like, a subject that you dont couldnt care less about. I now just have to sit and wait, and hope that i can work something out with the uni, on this matter!
Been their done that E. Justt because you gave up on one clase does not mean that you gave up on the last two years of your life. Their will be other classes and remakes so just keep your eye on the big picture and I know you will make it brother.

Lots of love, Nathan
Little E:

Been awhile since I've been to college, yet I really relate to this.

Last time I was in school, I had to drop an intensive winter term course becuz I caught I bad bug not far into it and there was no way I could keep up try as I would.

But just last night, with my old videocamera not working right and the hassles I've been getting from the outfit I signed up for this home study course with, I've decided to drop this water aerobics certification course and take one live somewhere later.

I'm eating a couple hundred bucks rather than try to put in another hundred plus for access to a good camera, a course extension, etc. At least I got the materials & learned some things--about water aerobics, and life.

I suspect you did, and will, too, my friend.

Nathan is right.

Thanks young pup Nathan for reminding this old wolf about that too.

Me too, been there - flunked out of college even and it took two years to get back to it. I am sure the reason had to do with the anxiety, low self esteem, and having no sense of who I was or why I was there. I returned to school two years later with a little more purpose. But I had always struggled with what I wanted to be or do until I recovered my SA memory and was able to work on my symptoms. I am glad you are dealing with your abuse issues early in life. If you choose to give yourself the time by taking the pressure off yourself in school you can always return to it after some personal growth. Your learning will hopefully be a bit more centered.

I felt bad when I flunked out and thought it was more proof of the defective me - but looking back, I was doing what I needed to do (although I wish it was with a little bit more intention. You seem to have more self awareness than I did back then. I'm sure it will help.

take care, brother survivor