Ultimately it's always the baggage..!!!!

Ultimately it's always the baggage..!!!!
I will make this short and sweet......what normal,healthy female wants the friggin baggage i have as a result of how the csa affects myself/others and therefore pushes them away....Again..I am convinced of this and i have yet to meet anyone with the exception of those who were so traumatized/abused as children who could possibly take on such overwhelming and life changing circumstances.Once again tonight i pushed someone else away.My former therapist told me once "Rich you seem to have this need to tell people how much you suffered as a kid and you don't have to"....She is absolutely correct.Afterall whose shitting who here when it comes to intimate relationships.You get to close and sure enough i "Push you away".......will it always be like this,i have been in therapy over two years now and still i have a vast amount of disappointment when i am let down.Coopstah
The way I feel right now is that I have rejected life so now its kind of like a rebirth. Im sure it will be a rocky road but as long as I get to where I want to go when and if I find that out, I will be okay.