uh, yeah, hey, i dunno

uh, yeah, hey, i dunno








i'm john. i'm 20. i'm in college but i'm goin home next semester cause i've failed every class here and i need to go home unless i want to crack. still don't know what i mean by crack, i think i mean meltdown and institutionalized. anyways, socaljohn has been a lot of help to me. thanks john.


i hope i'm on my way up now. i really have no idea but yeah... i just said goodbye to my gay friend pete tonight. see, as far as everyone knows here at school i'm straight, but i might be gay. heh, man i'd give anything to know. course then it's never that simple right? and i'm supposed to not worry about it right? ok then. anyways i think pete knows i am intersted in him, it was nice to know he knew. we, both being self-destructive college students who enjoy intoxicating ourselves, gave eachother cigarette burns with eachother's smokes to remember eachother by. kinda sweet, huh? heh. yeah well, so i'm goin back home to live with my mom and dad and 2 sisters soon. it should be good for me i think. cause i can't take care of myself on my own. i am barely able to get out of bed, because, well, see, life is easy to live when you are in bed.


i'm posting now because i miss talkin to you guys. i am gonna miss a lot of things soon. but hey, its almost christmas! thats something to be happy about. i spose i should get some sleep before i fail my final tomorrow in the only class i have hope for passing still since i failed all the others... god damn i feel like a failure. but hey!, at least i'm not gonna kill myself right!? ;) right! :) yeah. so... oh if anyone ever needs or wants to talk to someone who'll listen, Instant Message me. My screen name is UCLL . I'm very non-threatening, heh heh.


i've been going through some major major things recently (as socaljohn knows) and hopefully it all turns out well. i got hopes. just wanted to keep in touch here. guess i'll sleep now... bye :cool:
[i'm sleeping now]
[john] hugs john

sleep is good

home is good

john is good

it's all good, huh?

Take care john,, talk to you soon


Hey John...hope I'm not butting in but I read your post and .....I dunno...just wanted to say I remember what it was like being in school and trying to "deal" with all the crap that comes with it. Hope you get through what ever you are going through!....GOD BLESS!
Hey your story sounds a lot like mine as far as school goes and being gay. I went to college for two years, but didn't do well at all. When I left I think I had a 1.something GPA. I took about three years off and dealt with a lot of things in my life. That wasn't my reason for taking time off, but it worked out that way. I went back to college and graduated a couple of years ago. Try to use this time to gain a better understanding of yourself and perhaps a new perspective.
