tuning out/or tuning in

tuning out/or tuning in


Someone brought up the possibility of CSA being linked to ADD.It got me thinking. I was wondering if any of you guys deal with this problem; It takes a huge amount of effort to stay focused on what my family is saying. I know it might be a selfish trait or habit, but I really think it's more. My wife has complained for years about me being in the same room but not being in the same room. I was going to say something like" I just want the facts and all the extra conversation is unnessesary".But that's hardly true either. If I don't write a date or appointment down on the calender it's gone. I don't mean to sound cold or uncaring,because I do care and want to be interactive with my wife and kids, I don't want to be aloof. I'm probably looking for a magic wand when I should be exersizing and eating more fish and salads. Any other thoughts?

I still have a lot of work to do, but my doctor and T so far think that my problems with sorting out dates, appointments and big events have to do with depression rather than ADD. Since I have been on medication for the depression I an doing a bit better - maybe it is still too soon to tell.

You are right though, the results are terrible. I hate it when I miss something really important, but on the other hand I also hate the idea of using abuse as a perpetual excuse.

Much love,

Yes, I have been diagnosed with ADD. I once saw where someone described having ADD as being like trying to watch TV while someone else has the remote and changes the channel every three seconds.

Reading is pure misery for me, because my mind wanders all over the place and I am unable to comprehend what I read. My Doctor put me on Adderall and that really helped, but a couple times I forgot to take it and I was really depressed, so I stopped taking it. Now he wants me to try Wellbutrin for depression and ADD, and I don't want to do it.

You might check this out, some are very funny:

I forget where, but I read that a Psychiatrist had theorized that childhood trauma was a cause of ADD. When a child is sexually abused or otherwise traumatized, they develop the mental ability to "zone out," to think about other things. This is a coping mechanism that enables them to dissociate from the abuse. This pattern of disconnected thinking becomes ingrained in the brain and becomes a lifetime thing. This makes sense to me and it sure fits my background.

I had a former pastor that did a lot of reading about ADD and he laughed once and told me that what he read described me perfectly.