Trying to understand fear of words. Maybe is trigger
I am not so sure of what it is, of certain words scaring me. They are nothing but words, right? They can not hurt me. I do not know why it is they have such power of me. I still have much difficulty with saying what is the worse sex thing that happen, the 'r-word' thing. I have made myself type it few times, and it gives me panic, just to see word in print. I can not imagine speaking it outloud. I posted in the 'hate' thread. I also have fear of that word, the word 'hate'. I am trying to find out why that is, and maybe I am starting to understand more.
All my growing up, when my father was still with our family, he would make me be as less then human person. There was never that I was allowed to speak to him. If he ask me something, or if he tell me to say something, I could do it, but never could I just say 'good morning' or anything at him. Always, he had very bad punishment things for me, evil things. When he would wake us up during the night, he would either punish me or make me clean the house, and he would make me say bad things on myself, saying 'I am bad boy, I am stupid boy, I am ugly boy' and those things. Most times, he would not even let me eat at the table with him and my mom and gran, I would have to sit on floor in corner to eat. When my brother was alive, he would do same at him.
So, I am thinking more now. Of why I am afraid of so much extreme emotion, like to hate. Because emotion is human, yes? Especially extreme emotion, like hate or fear. Maybe it is I feel still like I am not fully human? that I do not deserve to feel such things? And I still believe those things I would say, that I am bad and stupid and ugly and evil.
How do I feel more human? And how do I get over the fears? Is it just more 'work through it' things? I am not sure I make sense right now, I am sorry.
All my growing up, when my father was still with our family, he would make me be as less then human person. There was never that I was allowed to speak to him. If he ask me something, or if he tell me to say something, I could do it, but never could I just say 'good morning' or anything at him. Always, he had very bad punishment things for me, evil things. When he would wake us up during the night, he would either punish me or make me clean the house, and he would make me say bad things on myself, saying 'I am bad boy, I am stupid boy, I am ugly boy' and those things. Most times, he would not even let me eat at the table with him and my mom and gran, I would have to sit on floor in corner to eat. When my brother was alive, he would do same at him.
So, I am thinking more now. Of why I am afraid of so much extreme emotion, like to hate. Because emotion is human, yes? Especially extreme emotion, like hate or fear. Maybe it is I feel still like I am not fully human? that I do not deserve to feel such things? And I still believe those things I would say, that I am bad and stupid and ugly and evil.
How do I feel more human? And how do I get over the fears? Is it just more 'work through it' things? I am not sure I make sense right now, I am sorry.